六年级下册英语教案Unit 2 Last weekend PA Let's learn _人教(PEP).doc
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Unit 2 Last weekendPA Let's learn(P15)教案教学目标1.语言技能:(1)能够在情境中正确运用以下词汇:cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV, did something else。(2)能够使用句型“What did you do last weekend? I ________ last weekend.”,询问与回复上个周末做过什么事情。(3)能够使用句型“How was your weekend? It was good / OK / fine, thanks.”,询问与回复 上周末过得如何。 (4)能够完成调查活动,并做总结,例如:Last weekend, two students washedtheir clothes …(5)能够完成本课时的其他学习任务。2.语言知识:(1)能够知道在英语中过去的事情需要使用“一般过去时”,初步认识该时态。(2)能够初步知道,动词的过去式存在两种情况:一般情况和特殊情况。3.情感态度:与文化意识:(1)在学习的过程中,能够做到乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。4.学习策略:(1)在课堂交流中,遇到问题主动向老师或同学请教。5.学习策略:(1)在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化异同。教学重点1.句型:What did you do last weekend? I ________ last weekend. How wasyour weekend? It was good / OK / fine, thanks. Last weekend, two students washed their clothes …2.词汇:cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV, did something else教学难点1.词汇与句型在情境中的具体运用。教学用具1.与本课时相关的课件。教学过程Step 1:Warming up第 1 页

1.Greeting. 师生使用英语打招呼,教师点名,确定参与上课的人数。2.Learn the aims. 教师播放课件,出示本节课的学习目标,学生明确学习目标,才能够有目的地进行学习。(1)能够在情境中正确运用以下词汇:cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV, did something else。(2)能够使用句型“What did you do last weekend? I ________ last weekend.”,询问与回复上个周末做过什么事情。(3)能够使用句型“How was your weekend? It was good / OK / fine, thanks.”,询问与回复 上周末过得如何。 (4)能够完成调查活动,并做总结,例如:Last weekend, two students washedtheir clothes …3.Let’s enjoy. 学生了解了本节课的学习目标之后,教师继续播放课件,播放 Unit1 的歌谣视频,学生看视频,欣赏歌谣,在美妙的音乐节奏中,复习第一单元学过的部分词汇,并愉快地开始本节课。Mike is taller than Lee.Lee is taller than Sue.Sue is taller than Amy.How tall are you?Amy is smaller than Sue.Sue is smaller than Lee.Lee is smaller than Mike.Are you smaller than me?4.Look and say. 在学生欣赏了美妙的英文歌谣之后,接下来,教师继续播放课件,呈现图片,学生看图片,说英文词汇,复习词汇:clean my room, wash my clothes,watch TV,在这个环节,教师通过呈现其他的三件事情,呈现短语:do somethingelse,教师播放音频,学生听音频,了解do something else的具体含义,为接下来的词汇学习,做好准备。5.Let’s talk. 学生复习与巩固了词汇之后,接下来,教师继续播放课件,呈现句型,与学生自由聊天。I often clean my room on the weekend.What do you do on the weekend?I often ___________.I often ___________, ___________ and ___________.教师与几个学生聊天之后,接下来,教师继续介绍自己上个周末的活动,引出本节课的核心句型:What did you do last weekend? I _________ last weekend.为下一个学习词汇的活动做好句型与情境准备。I often clean my room on the weekend.第 2 页

留意学生哪些内容不够熟悉,加以引导6.Let’s f与巩固。ind. 接下来,教师继续播放课件,呈现动词
起小结:动词的原形变过去式,一般情况,特殊情况特殊加ed Step 3:Practice1.Time记!for exercise. 教师继续播放课件,呈现题目,学生做题,做题完
同校 (1)对答案。clean(过去式)____________(2)wash (过去式)____________(3)watch (过去式)___________第 3 页
But last weekend(上周末), I washed my clothes and watched TV.What did you do last weekend?Step 2:Presentation1.Let’s learn. 接下来,教师继续播放课件,呈现图片与基础句型:I __________last weekend.然后提出问题:What did you do last weekend? 学生看图,尝试回答问题,开始学习本节课的核心词汇:cleaned my room, stayed at home, washedmy clothes, watched TV, did something else。通过“对比单词”、“自然拼读法”、“问答法”等方式学习词汇,在呈现每个词汇之后,教师点击音频,学生听音频,跟读单词,训练听的能力,在这个环节,教师还需要开始渗透ed的发音情况,清辅音后面发/t/,元音和浊辅音后面发/d/。What did you do last weekend? I cleaned my room last weekend.Where is Chen Jie? At home or at school? She is at home.What did you do last weekend? I stayed at home last weekend.What did you do last weekend? I washed my clothes last weekend.What did you do last weekend? I watched TV last weekend.What did you do last weekend? I did something else last weekend.2.Listen and say. 学生初步学习了新词汇之后,接下来,教师继续播放课件,点击音频,学生听音频,说词汇:cleaned my room, stayed at home, washed myclothes, watched TV, did something else,训练听与说的能力。3.Quick response. 学生能够听与说单词之后,接下来,教师继续播放课件,呈现词汇,学生看到闪动的词汇,就大声说出来,训练反应与说的能力。4.Watch and follow. 教师继续播放课件,播放课文视频,学生看视频,跟读单词和句子,并学习本节课的另一组核心词汇:How was your weekend? It was fine,thanks. 继而引出另外两个句子:It was OK, thanks. It was good, thanks.5.Let’s read. 学生打开课本P15,认读本节课 Let’s learn 部分的内容,学会与回复上周末过得如何,做了什么事情,比如:How was your weekend? It was fine,thanks. What did you do? I stayed at home and watched TV. 在这个环节,教师还需要观察与

头像 播放视频内容,学生看视频,学习如何使用句型做调查。How was,your weekend? It was OK. What did you do? I …3.Ask, answer and tick. 学生看完视频之后,教师呈现
表演如何调查,然后安排任务,每位学生调查6位同学。How was your weekend? It was OK. What did you do? I …4.Make a report. 学生调查完
给其他学生看,共同欣赏,共同发现问题。Last weekend, two students washed their (他
们h)clot的es. Threestudents stayed at home…5.Make a summary. 教师引
帮忙o(1) Sentences: What did you d总结。 last weekend? I watched TV last weekend. How was your weekend? It was fine / OK / good, thanks.(2) Phrases: cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV did something elseStep 4:Homework1、听
录音5遍 P,跟读课文15;2、练习
)P15的词汇( 每个4+2 默写;3、
预。P14习第 4 页
(4)stay (过去式)_____________(5)do (过去式)______________(6)is (过去式)_______________2.Do a survey. 接下来,教师继续播放课件,播放视频,点击视频中的学生