六年级上册英语教案unit 2 ways to go to school part B∣人教(PEP)().doc
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Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolPart B Let’s learn 教案教材分析:本部分的单词和词组的是:slow down,stop,wait,go. 教材通过MrsSmith 和学生来到公园前,准备过马路的场景呈现了单词和词组的词形和意义。教学目标:1.能够正确听说,朗读Stop and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Go at a green light.并能在实际情景中运用。 2.能够正确听说读写单词,如slow down,stop,wait,go。 3.了解一些简单的交通标志,增强学生的交通意识。教学重难点 1.重点:能够正确听说,认读单词,如slow down,stop,wait,go 。 2.难点:并能在实际情景中运用以上交通规则。教学准备:多媒体课件,举手板(红黄绿)教学过程:Step 1: 导入 T:Look at the picture. Who are they?Ss: Mrs Smith, Chen Jie... T: Where are they going?Ss: Nature Park.T: Where are they now?(教师呈现图片提示)Ss:At the crossing.T:At the crossing, they can see three lights.(依次呈现图片)Ss : a red light, a yellow light, a green light. T: We call them ....(教师呈现图片提示)Ss: traffic lights.Step 2: 单词呈现和操练一:stop and wait at a red light.T: At the crossing , what colour is it now? Listen Ss: It's red.T:Can they go now? Ss:No, they can't. T:Why?(给出提示)They must _________________________ (stop and wait at a red light.)操练stop and wait at a red light先跟着录音读,然后教师教读。活动:请两人一组轮流读二:slow down and stop at a yellow light.T:What colour is it now?Ss:It's yellow.第 1 页

T:Can they go now?Ss: No, they can't.T:Why?(给出提示)They must _________________________ (slow down and stop at a yellow light.)活动:先跟着录音读,然后教师教读。活动:老师拿出黄色举手板,举手板一面为黄色,一面为安静的图标。规则:当学生看到安静的图标时不发出声音,默读。看到黄色图标时需读此词组。三: go at a green light.T:What colour is it now?Ss: It's green.T :Can they go now?Ss: Yes, they can.T:Why?(给出提示)They can_______( go at a green light.)先跟着录音读,然后教师教读。活动:我说:at a green light 你说 go (可采用老师与小组,老师与全班的互动)Step 3:总体操练所有单词和词组( I do ,you say) 活动:老师举举手板,学生说口令(如老师举出绿色的举手板时,学生说go)演练几次后,进行游戏:学生中有6个举手板(6个信号灯),标有123456.老师念1号信号灯时,1号灯同学举起举手板,该组内同学念口令。如举起红色组内同学齐念 stop and wait. 看那哪组反应快(注意:由于让学生更好地看到信号灯和预料不到谁持有灯,这6个信号灯需提前放在前排同学那)Step4:玩游戏(I say ,you clap )其他三组同学为红黄绿信号灯,其中一组说口令(老师做活动前给该组的同学发几个口令)老师说number 1, 则这组同学念口令,如 slow down and stop ,则扮演黄灯的这组同学拍手完成几个口令后再替换角色Step4: 根据口令上色 Let’s colour them 1. slow down and stop 2. Stop and wait 3. go 4.Stop and wait 5.slow down and stop 6.go 7.Stop and wait 8.slow down and stop 9.go 10.Stop and wait Step5 :填空1. 图片:红色灯It's _____ now. We must __________2.图片:绿色灯 It's _____ now. Let's __________3. 图片:红色灯第 2 页

It's _____ now. We must __________Step6 :总结Please remember the traffic rules(交通规则).Stop and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Go at a green light.Step6 :作业1.角色扮演:小组合作,一个当盲人,一个当交通信号灯,一个为领路人,创编对话。2.搜寻更多的交通规则并汇报。板书设计:Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Let’s learn Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light.第 3 页