六年级上册英语教案 Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favorite festival 外研版.docx
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六年级英语上_______ Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favorite festival 教学设计外研版三年级起话 题:中美节日文化交流与鉴赏,具体为美国的国旗日、感恩节与中国的国庆节和中秋节节日文化交流与鉴赏。任 务:1. 了解美国国旗日和感恩节主要文化知识与活动,理解和掌握相关话题交流语言(音、形、义、用), 如:What`s your favourite festival? My favouritefestival is … . What do you do on the festival? We always have a special meal. … .2. 用所学话题语言与外国人交流中国国庆节和中秋节节日文化知识与活动, 目 标: 1. 语言能力:能听懂简单的文化交流对话语篇获取文化知识信息,并能用所学语言就中美优秀文化活动进行简单的口头交流和评价。2. 思维品质:通过问题和任务启发学生思维,让学生在完成任务的过程中自主建构语言,发展思维能力,提升思维品质。3. 文化品格: 掌握美国国旗节和感恩节简单文化活动知识,欣赏和认同美国优秀文化,乐意交流介绍中国优秀文化,增强文化交流意识,形成一定的跨文化交际能力;进一步增强爱国意识和热爱中华优秀的文化传统的情感。4. 学习能力: 发展利用多种工具和途径查阅资料的自主学习能力;有困难或根据学习需要进行交流合作学习的能力;掌握一定的听说技巧,发展交际能力;掌握一定的语音拼读规则,提高词汇学习能力等。教学策略:1. 创设有趣味、生动的文化氛围,激发学生文化欣赏、学习和交流的兴趣和欲望。2. 设计导学任务单,布置文化知识学习任务,让学生在自主查阅资料和建构交流语言的过程中,发展学生的自主学习能力和创造语言的能力,培养学生思维。3. 创设文化交流环境,设计真实的文化交流任务,调动文化交流动机,促进文化交流行为,发展文化交流和鉴赏的语言交际能力。4. 根据学生自主学习和交流暴露出的问题,包括文化品格、语言能力、思维品质、学习能力等问题,有针对性地进行启发式教学,全面发展学生英语学科核心素养。教学思路与过程:第 1 页

)*Design Purpose*: a.Create a relaxing and happy class atmosphere and present the topic.(你
图,写那么多)Step2. Pre-listening task干什么?:two groups exchange cultural information and learnthe knowledge and language. 2.1Lead in :Play the songs about Flag Day and Thanksgiving one after another,and ask what festival the song is about, dividing the class into two big groups:Flag Day and Thanksgiving. (两
首歌曲控制间时在90秒, 板书并教aFlagD授y and Thanksgiving)2.2Group work: 每
梳理错误言语和错误不,都对会的问题尝试论讨解决,实在解决了不,第 2 页
课前:全班分为10个小组,编号为1—10小组,设计导学任务单,以小组为单位开展美国国旗日和感恩节两个节日文化知识自主学习与文化交流语言建构。为在课堂上创设具有真实交流意义的环境,1-5组为一个大组,学习FlagDay资料,6-10组为另一大组,学习Thanksgiving Day资料,分别完成各自的任务单。这样,两个大组掌握的文化知识不同,都需要了解对方的文化知识,所以在课堂上设计两个大组间的文化交流对话就有了真实的信息差和实际意义,引发交流动机和行为。这样的课前安排为课堂的文化交流活动创造了环境和前提。小组组建方法:四人一组,1个学习好的,为组长,2个中等,1个较差。 具体任务单见附件1, 2。教学过程:Step 1. GreetingsT: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Today I’m your new English teacher. You can callme Teacher Becky. Are you ready for the class? Ok, let’s start our happy Englishjourney. Today we are going to talk about festivals. At first, let`s see two Americanfestivals (板书American festivals)(因为这一节课不仅仅谈美国节日,所以如此改)(在教学时,要问孩子

呈现,让听课的老师知道学生在交流什么p2.3Two grou)s exchange culture knowledge(此活动
即可ng, pl理解就行,如raise, parade)T: Stop talki,ease. It`s the time to ask and answer about the two festivals. As we know, before the class, the Flag Day group is only ready for the Flag Dayculture, and Thanksgiving group is only for Thanksgiving Day culture, so you need tolearn each other. Now, Flag Day group first, please! Who `d like to ask aboutThanksgiving Day first? (有人问过
后)Thanksgiving group , Who can answer? (学生
回答后,老师动据活根的性质给出适当的欣赏评价,并板书鉴赏语言到黑ha上)T板t’s lovely/great. That sounds nice/interesting。如
始教授iStep3. While-l。stening tasks: 第 3 页
AmericanfestivalsThanksgiving DayFlag DayJune.14thWhatwhenHow做下记录

体听一m) is Si遍on’s favourite festival? A. Flag Day B. ThanksgivingSecond, let’s listen and answer: what do people often do on Flag Day? (只
听Flag Day 部
分)Third, Then, what about the Thanksgiving Day, let`s go on listening to findwhat people do on Thanksgiving Day. (只
听Thanksgiving Day 部a) ple分se listenand tick. (听完
整地回答一a)On Thanksgiving Day, people…have 遍 specialmealtravel say “thank you” forfood,family and friendssing songs Watch a bigfootball game4) Fourth, listen again, andpay attention to how Daming likes the activities?Listenand match. (How does Daming like this activity? “have a special meal”?Howabout this one?说的时
候一定要指着e)2. Listen and rep活动问at. 1) Imitate reading:(一
遍ndT: Ok, now, boys a) girls, let’s watch again. This time you should read after thevideo. Please pay special attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Are youready? Here we go!老师及
时矫正学生发音不准确n2) Read i的地方。pairs and act out:(两对)(open the book.) *Design Purpose*: a. To train the listening ability and lead the ss to further comprehend and grasp the communicative languages about第 4 页
1.Listen and answer the questions about the Flag Day and Thanksgiving Day. T: Now look. Simon is telling the two festivals to Daming, too.(present thepictures in the ppt) , What are Simon telling to Daming about the two festivals? Let`slisten and find. First, let’s listen and choose, what is Simon’s favourite festival? Flag Day orThanksgiving?(整

入语应自接然承进上一节环入下一环节,联系紧密,且ha创设文化交流语境,引发交流动机)T: You see. American Flag Day and T能nksgiving are so interesting, China alsohas the same festivals, can you guess what they are? (此
脑筋,让他们想一想,发展他们联系推de的思维),Yes? OK, let`s enjoy avi理o and see what the festival is, please stand up. (play the national day video)2) 首先
图片及文字在学生接下来的中国文化介绍活动中要作为支架呈现:T) What festivals is it?Ss: National Day. (teach the new word)T: When is National Day?Ss: October 1st.(学生
月份学过,但可能不会表达日期,老师教a)T: What do people do on Nation授l Day? Ss: Fly the flag and sing the song.(
老师可KT: O以启发学生一起说), Let’s see another festival. Look at the picure. (先呈现
的图片,启发学生i) What fest回答val is it?Ss: Mid-Autumn Day.(teach the new word)T: When is Mid-Autumn Day?Ss: August 15th ,It`s lunar calendar(学生
教授,阴历可以用汉语解 ) T: What do people do on Mid-autumn Day?释Ss: We have a big family dinner.第 5 页
festival`s cultural knowledge and evaluating. b. To develop the simple oral communicative ability, insure the pronunciation, tone correctly and full of emotion. Step 4. Post-listening task: Introduce Chinese festivals “National Day and Mid-autumn Day” to Simon.1)Lead in: (导

大明,也可t)T: Ok, now, let`s 以ell Chinese festival to Simon, between the National Day andMid-Autumn Day, you can choose one to talk.