五年级下册英语教案Unit7 Chinese festivals (Story time)译林版(三起).doc
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五下Unit7 Chinese Festivals一、教学目标:1. 能听、说、读单词Spring festival, mid-autumn festival, dragon boat festival, thedouble ninth festival及8个月份单词。2. 能正确理解和解读故事内容,并能流利地描述各个节日及节日的习俗。3. 通过小组学习,讨论等活动,学会欣赏、赞美别人,提高互助及合作学习的能力。二、教学重难点正确理解Chinese Festivals并能熟练地描述节日及习俗。Step 1 Warm up1.Enjoy the song “ Months ”.2.Free talkT:How many months are there in a year?S:There are twelve.T:Yes.And they have different English names.Let me show you.Step 2 Pre-reading1.Teach : January…...November, December. festivalT: Twelve months make a year, and I like December. Because there is aninteresting festival in it. it’s Christmas, Christmas is a western festival.2.T: What Chinese festivals do you know? (引出:Western festivals 和Chinese Festivals)Step 3 While-reading1.Watch and answer. T: Here is a story ,it will tell us something about Chinese Festivals. Let’s watchfirst. Please try to choose “What Chinese festivals are there in the story?”2.Learning time1(Try to read and find out :From this story,what do you knowabout the four festivals?)3.Learning time2(Learn the story in groups)(1) Everyone can choose one festival to learn(2) Talk about the festivals in group.(3) Try to read the new words第 1 页What to doWhat to eatFestivalsWhenWho...

4.Learning time3(Introduce the festivals)When is the … Festival?What do people do at…?What do people eat at…?Step 4 Showing time1.Try to say .(1)What festival do you like? Please choose one to say.I like... ...is in...At this festival, people ...We eat...It's interesting/...(2)What do you like about the festivals?I know a lot about the Chinese Festivals.The Spring Festival is in…The …is in…The…is in…I love Chinese Festivals.2.Emotional development.Love our family. Love our Chinese festivalsStep 5 Homework 1.Listen to Story time, read it and introduce the festivals to your parents or yourfriends. 2.Make a poster about one of the four festivals.(选择一个节日,做一张英文海报。)教后反思:五下Unit7 Chinese festivals (Story time)主要是介绍了中国的四大传统节日,从时间、活动、食物三个方面展开描述。其中主要新授有8个月份名称、四个节日名称、还有mountain,dragon boat races, dumplings等生词,所以新授环节比较重。因此,在课前几天就通过听录音,同学互助等方式让学生自主预习,在课堂中我也设计了多次同伴合作和小组合作活动,注重学生操练、运用语言。本节课的重点是学习十二个月份,初步接触The…(节日) is in…(月份).的句型,学会介绍四个中国节日的标志性活动和食物。所以我还是选择以歌曲导入的形式来展开这节课,学生轻轻跟唱Months第 2 页

、对学生“放”还不够等等。第 3 页
song这首歌,唤醒脑中对月份名称的记忆,很快地想到现在是五月,对于What festival is coming?学生也能试着说出,课上在老师的指导下小组自主学习四个节日。之后由学生提问“When is…?What dopeople do at…?What do people eat at…?”完成四个节日的学习。在最后What’s your favourite festival?的分享交流环节,能够看出学生对本课知识有了很好的把握,能够用所学的新知旧知表达自己最喜爱的节日或这些节日的某个方面。本节课上还通过一个思维导图的形式帮助学生梳理文本内容,图文并茂,有利于学生对文本的理解和记忆,同时有利于激发学生的思维。另外,黑板的右下角是课堂评价区域,本节课上四个大组之间进行PK,比一比哪一组得到的鞭炮数多。由于本节课的主题是中国节日,所以选择了喜庆的鞭炮作为本节课的评价方式。这也有效地调动了学生的学习积极性,课堂上他们的参与度很高。但是本节课还存在着这样那样的问题,