五年级下册英语教案Unit 11 Weather Lesson 2北师大版.doc
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Unit 11 Weather Lesson 2教案壱、教学目标1、千变万化的天气现象是孩子们所喜爱的,它能够给孩子们带来神秘感,能够激发出孩子们的热情,引发孩子们的兴趣,提高孩子对知识的求知欲,从而发展孩子们听、说等各种感官能力,因此本次活动主题的选择符合孩子们身心发展的规律。 2、该课程提倡学生参与、体验、亲身实践,独立思考、合作研究,用开放式的英语教学活动培养学生的创新精神和英语语言运用能力。 3、该课程运用多媒体等多种手段使知识进行逐层深入,由单词到句型,由句型到口语表演,让孩子们在一种自然的环境中去体会,通过动手、动脑、动口,自然而然的学会运用,英语各项技能均有所提高。 4、活动中教师作为主导,学生是主体,以知识为依托,倡导孩子们关注自然与健康,突出快乐、轻松、学习的主题。弐、教学重难点 1、能够独立的进行英语思维,组织语言,并把所学知识运用于实际生活。2、能够掌握天气现象的英文单词,能够询问天气,并做简单的天气预报。3、课程难点和重点:交际句型的运用和天气预报的播报环节参、课前准备1、多媒体设备、天气课件 2、关于天气现象的英语卡片3、录音以及对话内容四、教学方案1、Warm up Step1:Greeting:Good evening,boys and girls! 第 1 页

Good evening, Miss Wang.Step2:Free talk (Oral English) Some questions:e.g. What are you doing? What do you do everyday? What color do you like? What’s your favorite animal? How does your mother go to work? Do you like English or Chinese? (设计意图:这是热身环节,以谈话这种自然交流的方式让孩子们走进英语课堂,开始英语思维。)2、 Leading-in Look at this transparency of the weather report. Let them guess and talk about it. Teacher: What is it? Students:Weather report Teacher:What’s he doing? Students:He is reporting the weather. Teacher:What shall we learn?What’s the topic today? Students:Weather At last, let them know the content of this lesson. (设计意图:这是导入环节,教师通过多媒体设备放幻灯片——中央电视台的天气预报,让孩子们通过看和听生活中的实际场景,来了解天气现象,体会本次英语活动的内容与意义。)3、Learn some new words. Step1: Know the transparency. Look at the words from every transparency and say them after the teacher (设计意图:认识天气现象的图片标识,并根据图片能够说出天气词汇,这是图片与词汇配对的过程,使学生先对知识产生感官认识。) Step2: Learn the words. The teacher shows the word cards the children should pay attention to pronunciation, and try their best to remember them as quickly as they can. (设计意图:教师出示单词的音标卡片,让孩子们在记住发音的同时又锻炼了音标拼读,最重要的是此项环节促进了孩子们想要认识词汇的探索需求,他们自己会认音标,说单词,培养自主学习的精神。)4、Activities: 第 2 页

丰富多彩的活动巩固词汇的学习,同时提高孩子们的学习兴趣。 让孩子们在
让学生根据自己的调查汇报结果aWe。ther forecast BeijingHubeiHainanGuangdongWeather suggestions 伍
分层作业。程度一般的学生只 what’s the weather like?要说出It’s hot. Take off your sweater. 就可
以了。可以让程度好的学生收集当天报纸的天气信息和收看电视的天气预报, 做一
个简单的天气表,下一节课进行汇报。第 3 页
(1)、Do action and say words:One student uses the body language to show the words,the other students guess the words (2)、What’s missing?:First, the teacher writes the words on the blackboard, let the students read. Second, let students close the eyes and guess——what’s missing? (3)、Listen to the words and draw them:The teacher says the words one by one,the students draw the picture of the weather one by one. Then let them say what they draw. (设计意图:通过