五年级下册英语教案Unit 3 My school calendar 1 人教.doc
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教师寄语: Time and tide wait for no man.JLearning aims(学习目标): 1. 能够听、说、读、写表示月份单词:(岁月不待人)anuary, February, March,April, May. June. 2. 初步了解各个月份中的一些节日的英语表达方式。 3. 让学生能说出自己最喜欢的月份(1---6月)。Important &difficult points(重难点):1.words:January, February, March, April, May. June.的学习。2.sentences:When is your birthday?/ When is Tree Planting Day? It’sin…..的学习。Teaching aids:words cards.Learning steps(学习步骤):Step 1.预习温故1)Greetings: sing a song together. 2)Revision:Go over the old words: Monday, Tuesday……Sunday.T:What day is it today? S: Today is ......T: Today is also my birthday. Do you know “When is your birthday?” Ss: 一月、二月…(可用中文说出月份)Step 2. 新课内容展示1)板书: the title “Unit 3 My school calendar”并教读.2) Learn the new words:January, February, March, April, May. June 第 1 页
Unit 3 My school calendarPeriod 1 Section A Let’s learn let’s do

T:January January spell it please. Ss:Read after teacher and spell the word. 3)T: Make a sentence: My birthday is in January. Ss:Read after teacher(同样的方法教其他单词)引导学生自己说出句子如:January January. My birthday is in January..(明确告知学生在只有月份的情况下只能用介词in)。 4)引导学生找出1---6月份中的节日及自己能用英文读出的名称,如:Children’s Day 等。 T:When is your birthday?S:My birthday is in January. / It’s in January.T:When is Children’s Day? S:It’s in June. …………….5) Listen to the tape (let’s learn) Step 3.合作交流:1)小组合作:(6人)分别用When is your birthday? S:Mybirthday is in January/ February.造句。(规定每人选择一个与他人不同的月份)。2)两人交流对话: When is May Day? S:It’s in May. ………….. 3)Finish “Read and say”. Step4、布置当堂作业1.完成January, February, March, April, May. June 在四线三格上的写法。第 2 页

2.写一句自己今天才学会最感兴趣的句子。板书设计: Unit 3 My school calendar January, February, March, April, May. June.When is your birthday? S:My birthday is in January. When is May Day ? S:It’s in May . …………….教学反思: 第 3 页