五年级上册英语教案Unit5 What do they do第三课时∣译林版(三起).doc
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Unit 5 What do they do?第三课时 Cartoon time教学设计课题 Unit5 What do they do?单元5学科 英语年级五年学习[来源:]目标情感态度和价值观目标[来源:学。科。网]让学生体会卡通故事的乐趣。[来源:学.科.网][来源:ZXXK]能力目标1.学生能熟练运用本单元所学的词句询问别人的职业。2.学生能正确理解,朗读Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在老师的指导下表演故事。知识目标1.能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话。2.学生能熟练运用本单元所学的词句询问别人的职业。重点能正确理解,朗读卡通故事。难点3.学生能熟练运用本单元所学的词句询问别人的职业。学法自主学习,合作交流教法自主合作探究小组教学教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Greeting &Warm up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?2.Play a game. Quick response Yes or No. First, let’s play a game. The game is called“Yes or No”Now you will see some sentences and pictures onthe screen.Read and try to judge.Hello, teacher.I’m fine.学生试说2师生问候,拉近与学生的距离。为下文做铺垫。第 1 页

教学过程If it is right, you may say “Yes, yes, yes.”If it is wrong, you may say ”No, no, no”Say loudly and quickly, please.Ready? Go!1. My father is a cook.2. His father is a policeman.3. He is a farmer.4. My mother is a nurse次。Yes, yes, yes.No, no ,no.No, no ,no.Yes, yes, yes.复习操练。把句子运用到日常生活中,还练习了学生的听力。讲授新课Step 1 Presentation1.Today Bobby bring a friend.Now look at the pictures carefully.And try to answer my questions.(1). What does Bobby’s father do?(2) What does Bobby’s friend’s father do?(3) Does Bobby ‘s father have a nice car?(4) Are there any cars on the streets?2.让我们一起来看视频。然后回答问题。3.回答问题。(1). What does Bobby’s father do?(2)What does Bobby’s friend’s father do?看图感知一下回答问题。观看视频。试着回答问题。He is a doctor.He is a workerYes, he is. Yes, there are.创设疑问,为学习Cartoon time做铺垫。第 2 页

教学过程(3)Does Bobby ‘s father have a nice car?(4) Are there any cars on the streets?Boys and girls. You did a good job.3现在我们一起来跟读一遍课文。4. 我们在小组内分朗读课文。根据小组自己的情况,选择阅读方式。Act out the story.(表演对话) 3颗星Read in roles.(分角色读) 2颗星Read together.(齐读) 1颗星跟读课文。Work in three,choose a wayyou like toread or act thestory.(三人一组,选择你喜欢的方式去读或者表演故事。)Step 2:Drills:1.Bobby is hungry. But he doesn’t have any cakes.Now I have some cakes.但是需要同学们,帮助老师完成下面的句子。这样Bobby 就可以吃到蛋糕了。出示图片和句子。He______ a nice car.There ______ so many cars. He ______ cars. 2..Lingling asks Tom some questions. 让我们一起来帮助Tom 来完成对话。表格填写好了,谁能来当lingling ,说说这个表格。3.Group work.选择。He has a nicecar.There are somany cars. He makescars. 说句子。完成表格。Ss:总结说出这些句子。互相访问,有任务的完成练习,孩子们会很喜欢。第 3 页

教学过程小组内互相访问,填写剩下的表格。由小组长来总结汇报4.Show me your pencil Think and write.What do your parents and relatives do?Step 3 Do some exercises.填写剩下的表格。拿出笔,根据实际情况填写表格。课堂小结作 业Read this cartoon time.板书设计Unit 5 What do they do?What does your father do?He’s a +职业.第 4 页