五年级上册英语教案Unit 8 At Christmas (Period 2 Grammar time .docx
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五上Unit 8 At Christmas(Period 2 Grammar time &fun time)一、教学目标:1.学生能熟练地用所学语言复述Story time内容。2.学生能在情景中理解并正确运用first, next, then, finally来描述事情或讲故事。3.学生能自主阅读fun time内容, 能用英语描述怎样制作卡片并能互赠卡片。4.学生能了解一些其它重要的节日,如Spring Festival。二、教学重点:1.学生能在情景中感知、理解语法知识并能初步地运用。2.学生能自主阅读fun time,读懂内容,提高自主阅读能力和动手能力。三、教学难点:能熟练运用first,next,then,finally一系列表示先后顺序的词来描述事情。四、教学准备:1.第二课时PPT。 2.表演道具。五、教学步骤:Before class,Sing a Christmas song together.Step1. Revision1. talk about Mike’s Christmas.Christmas is a western holiday Last lesson we have learned a story aboutMike’s Family Christmas. What do you think of Mike’s Christmas?Now,let’stalk about Mike’s Christmas, can you be Mike?(1)Discuss in groups.(2)talk about Mike’s Christmas.2. talk about Helen’s Christmas.Mike has a wonderful time at Christmas, what about Helen?What does shedo?(1)Let’s listen to her and number the pictures.(2)Talk about it in groups.(3)Act itStep 2 .Grammar timeMike and Helen are all very happy at Christmas. What about Tim?(1)Listen to Tim.What do you think of his introduction?What’s the problem? What did you hear about?(2)Can you help him talk about it better?Evaluate Tim’s introduction.(3)Conclusion.PPT呈现相关内容介绍。We can use these words to describe a thing clearly.(4)After school, what do we usually do?(5)Read and write.第 1 页

first,next,then,onally. Then, we learn fun time. Finally, we give Christmas cards to each other. Step6 HfimeworkFirst, finish your learning material(学习材料)and describe yourSpring Festival to your parents.Next, tell your parents how to make the Christmas card. Finally, preview(预习)cartoon time . 教学反思:本课为第八单元的第二课时。第一课时学生已经学习了Story time板块按教材的编排顺序,接下来是Fun time和Grammar time。作为单元整体教学的第二课时,要考虑“承上”的问题,要对第一课时进行必要的复习。而这个复习不同于新授课的学习,要突出学生的主体性,要突出语言的实践性。所以我设计先让学生以Mike的口吻来介绍Christmas的活动,在试教时发现直接让学生来介绍难度有点大,于是我在第二次上课时加了一个discuss ingroups的环节,效果立马不一样了。然后变换任务,听Helen来介绍她的圣诞活动,让学生在训练听力的同时感受本课难点是如何运用的,而在介绍的时候有个别介绍改成了小组每人一句话来介绍,让学生再次感知如何用第 2 页
(6)Design the activities for our Christmas party.Step 3 .Fun time1.Teach: messageThe Christmas party you designed is wonderful. Look at this activity, I’mvery interested in it. Look, I get a card.What’s in it?Teach: message2.书写格式3.Show us how to make the cardT: Who is it from?Can you tell us how to make the card?(请一生示范)Teach: fold 4.Show timeUse different ways, show us how to make the card.5.Give presents to each other.(1)how to give presents to each other?(2)一组示范(3)send the cards. 6.文化差异Step 4. Complete the short passage(1). Discuss with partner.(2).say togetherStep 5. Summary(1)What do you learn in this lesson?(2)How do you learn this lesson?First, we review(复习) storytime. Next, we learn to use(使用)

说到写完Gra成mmar time练习,关注这些词的真本实际上,在实运用。课时教学时,我
将First、Next、Then和Finally渗透到活个教学环节。在上述三个各动中我用first,next,then和Finally过渡。在Fun time教学中,
有在大量的语言实践训练后,学生才能将语法项目内化到自己的知识结构中。第 3 页
first,next,then,finally来描述事件,为最后学生能自己找到规律并运用这些词作铺垫。Grammar time的学习我是由Mike、Helen过渡到Tim也想来介绍自己的圣诞活动,由于年龄小,他的表达缺乏条理性,我引导学生帮助他连贯地表达,让学生自省自悟用这些词来使事件的描述事件更为清晰,更有条理,引导学生自己总结出来,而不是教师简单地灌输。再引导学生会在生活中实际运用,并告诉学生当我们有