2022人教pep三年级下册英语Unit 4 Where is my car教案.docx
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Unit 4 Where is my car?第一课时课时内容A. Let’s talk. Let’s play. 课时分析 在Let’s talk部分,呈现了John和Mike之间的对话。要放学了,Mike在收拾书包时找不到自己的文具盒了,于是询问John,在John的帮助下在书桌里找到了它。接着又在自己的书下找到了铅笔。在这个过程中呈现了本课需要学生听懂、会说的句式:Let’s gohome! Where is my pencil box? It’s in your desk. Silly me!其中on, in, under,desk都是本单元需要达到听懂、会说、认读的三会单词。Let’s play的游戏中,黑板上呈现了本课的重点句式结构:Where is my ____? It’s_____ the ________. 吴一凡和Sarah分别拿着单词卡片放在正确的横线上,以补全对话。这是个帮助学生熟悉、掌握重点句式结构的活动,在玩的过程中,学生可以由初步了解重点句式结构过渡到熟悉句式结构,为自由表达奠定基础。本课时的主要内容是描述物品的位置,可以在教学过程中,利用教室内的人及物品来进行游戏操练,让学生在熟悉的环境中,真实的场景下使用语言,从而真正达到听懂、会说的目标。在学习本课重点句式前,有必要复习有关文具的单词,以保证学生能够真实的交流。课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说单词:in, under, desk2. 能够听懂、会说句型:Where is ...? It’s in/under...?3. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型Where is ...? It’s in/under...?来询问或回答物品的位置。4. 能够借助实物或图片的帮助与同学进行积极的英语交流。课时重难点1.重点能够听懂、会说单词:in, under, desk能够听懂、会说句型:Where is ...? It’s in/under...? 2. 难点能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用重点句型Where is ...? It’s in/under...?来询问或回答物品的位置教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。2. 单词卡片,文具实物。教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲:Finger family. Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, where are you? Here I am, Here I am. How do youdo?Mummy Finger, Mummy Finger, where are you? Here I am, Here I am. How doyou do?Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you? Here I am, Here I am. How do

讲)单词desk。Teacher: Where is my book? (板书句子解Yes, it’s in the desk. Say with me. Thebook is in the desk. This is the desk. Let’s spell it, desk. (板书单词desk,再板书句子It’s in the desk.) Now,where is my book? Yes, it’s under the pencilbox. Say with me. The book is under the pencil box. (板书句子It’s under thepencil box.)设计意图:由上一环节中用到的书引出完整的问答句,在学生理解重点单词的基础上,使其初步理解重点句式,为理解教
材对话录音,学生认真倾听,寻找答案sTeacher:I know my book i。 under the pencil box. And my pencil box is on mybook. But Mike doesn’t know where his pencil box is. Now, let’s listen to thedialogue. Try to answer, Where is Mike’s pencil box?Teacher: Now, who can answer my question? Yes, it’s in his desk. 设计意图:学生带着
任务听录音,以培养他们认真倾听及抓住重点词句倾 Step听的能力。4 Practice1.播放课文录音。学生
跟sTeacher: Boy读课文。 and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the tape. Please listencarefully, read carefully.2. 自由读课文,
针tTeacher:Who are 对对话内容进行交流。hey? What does John want to do? Where is Mike’s pencilbox? Where is Mike’s pencil? What does Mike think about himself? What doyou think about him?
you do?Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you? Here I am, Here I am. How do youdo?Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you? Here I am, Here I am. How do youdo?Teacher:Boys and girls, Let’s listen to a song. Then do actions and sing ittogether. 设计意图:这首儿童歌曲节奏欢快,学习起来比较容易,歌词中包含第二单元中学习到的家庭成员类的单词,又有where引导的询问位置的问句,与本课内容紧密相关。以这首歌曲开场,既可吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的兴趣,又可以起到温故引新的作用。Step 2 Lead in1.询问学生自己手指的位置,引出单词in, under。Teacher:Boys and girls, this is my Mummy Finger. (把食指放在一本书里)Where is my finger? Say with me, in the book. in, in, in. Let’s spell ittogether. (板书单词in)(把食指放在书下,再提问)Now, where is my finger?Yes, it’s under the book. Say with me, under, under, under. Under the book.(板书单词under)设计意图:由询问手指的位置来引出本课的重点单词in, under,学生由歌曲内容自然转入新知识的学习。由手指位置来直观展示新的单词,学生能够自然理解单词的意思。板书和拼读帮助学生认读单词。Step 3 Presentation1. 把书放在不同的位置,并进行询问,引导学生用完整的句子来回答其位置。同时,

通过跟再课文掌读重点单词和重点句式的发音。握通过问答交流,引出其他两个重点句式:Let’s go home! Silly me! 同时
对Mike的看法,引导学生形成整理自己的文具的习惯和意识。3. 分
角色朗tTeacher: Le读课文。’s read the dialogue in roles. Who wants to be John? Who wants tobe Mike? Let’s find the best pair.设计意图:
通过分角色朗读课文,使学生能够达到正确朗读对话,理解对话内容的目标。 4. 快
速变换自己的物品的位置,请 Teacher: You know学生说一说。where Mike’s pencil box and pencil is. Look, where is mypencil? Where is my pencil now? Where is my book? Where is my pencil box? 设计意图:在学生能够正确读出重点句式的基础上,
应用本课学到的重点句式,本活动主要练习答句的表达。5. 两
人小组活动,针oTeacher:Let’s d对自己的学习用品进行问答练习。 a pair work. Please ask and answer in pairs. You can use thesentences structures on the blackboard. Teacher:Which pair wants to show your dialogues?设计意图:学生
汇RStep 5 SummaryTP来进行交流,达到了使其在真实的场景中使用句型的目的。活动,Where is it? 学生
边跟教师说韵句,边把物品放在相应oTeacher: Let’s say a chant. And you sh的位置上。uld put the things at the correct place. Where, where, where, where is the book?In, in, in, it’s in the desk.Where, where, where, where is the book?Under, under, under, it’s under the desk.Where, where, where, where is the pencil?In, in, in, it’s in the book.Where, where, where, where is the pencil?Under, under, under, it’s under the book.教
选择正确的图片,将其选项填入题前括号h( ) 1. in t内。e book A. (麻烦
找一张铅笔 B. 夹
在书里的图片) ( ) 2. in the desk A. B. 画
一张 ( 书在课桌里的图 ) 3. under the desk A. 书在课桌下图 B. 书在课桌里图

面 B. 书在课桌下面二、
选择 ( ) 1. Where ______ my正确的单词补全句子。book? A. is B. the C. are( ) 2. Let’s _______ home. A. going B. to go C. go( ) 3.Silly ______! A. I B. me C. my三、读一读,
画一画 1. The book is。in the desk. 2. The pencil is in the pencil box. 3. The ruler is under the pencil box.4. The pencil box is under the desk. 答
案1一、:. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 二、1. A 2. C 3. B三、
略h板书设计Unit Four W。ere is my car?A. Let’s talkWhere is my ___________? inIt’s the _________. Under第二课时课时内容
( ) 4. under the pencil box A.书在文具盒下

窗上鸟和三个鸟巢不同的位置引出三个三会的方位介,o词:, in, undern以房间里的
布置引出两会的个三名站:chair, desk词。Zip在桌子上问尺子在哪儿,鸟窝下的儿鸟
告诉它在椅子下面,引出重点问答句:Where is the.. ? It’s in/on/un因er the....d为三个
两个名词对于如何询问和回答物品的位置很重要,可以让学生先熟悉了词汇,再来使用重点句式描述位置。Let’s do是一个TRP活动,结
合身词部位进行位置单体的操练,学生边听口令yPutyour foot under :our chair. Put your hand on your chair. 边
令,做出正确的反应。课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:on, in, under, chair, desk。2. 能够在真实或
虚懂的情景中听拟、会说、认读句式:Where is the...? It’son/in/under the...3. ��