五年级下册英语试题Unit 6 Work quietly Part B .docx
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五年级下册Unit 6 Part B & C 阶段训练一、选出不同类的一项。(  ) 1. A. sushi  B. cake  C. water(  ) 2. A. quiet B. keep C. teach(  ) 3. A. Canadian B. Spanish C. China(  ) 4. A. show B. left C. right 二、根据首字母提示完成短语,并为句子选择相应的图片。1. We are walking on the road. We should k_____ t_____ t_______ r_____. (  )[来源:ZXXK]2. If you are reading a book in the library, you must t_____ q_____. ()3. When we are at a bus stop, we should t_______ t_____. (  )4. When you are at school, you should k_____ y_____ d_____ c_____. ()A. B. C. D. 三、单项选择。(  ) 1. What are you ________?A. say  B. says   C. saying(  ) 2. I ________ a picture. A. drawing   B. am drawingC. am draw(  ) 3. —Please take turns! —OK!________第 1 页

A. I do. B. I am. C. I will. (  ) 4. Can he ________ in the river?A. swim B. swimming C. swims(  ) 5. May I have a ________ at your new bike?A. watch B. look C. see(  ) 6. I can ________ English. A. talk B. say C. speak四、连词成句。1. your, keep, clean, desk(. )__________________________________________________________________2. show, can, the, I, book, you, English(. )__________________________________________________________________3. a, drawing, I, picture, am(. )__________________________________________________________________4. your, crayons, we, use, can(?)__________________________________________________________________五、选择正确的选项补全对话。A: Excuse me! 1. ________B: Yes. Please keep your desk clean. A: 2. ________ 第 2 页

C: Wow! Your picture is so beautiful!B:3. ________C: Oh, I'm sorry. 4. ________[来源:]B: Sure!C: 5. ________B: Yes, work quietly. 六、阅读短文,图文连线。We have a school trip on Children's Day. We go to the zoo. Mike is looking at the elephants. The elephants are drinking water. John is playing with the rabbits. The rabbits are jumping. Chen Jie is talking with the monkey. But the monkey is eating bananas. Wu Yifan is feeding the pandas. And the pandas are eating bamboo. Amy is running with a bear. We are excited in the zoo. [来源:]runningjumping [来源:]七、写作训练。在这个单元里,我们继续学习了如何描述正在进行的动作或保持的状态,假如现在是晚上七点钟,接下来就请你依照例文来写一写你的家人都在做些什么。范文:第 3 页A. Can I write my diary here? B. May I use your pencil?C. Anything else? D. OK. I will. E. Be quiet, please!

On the farmIt's sunny today. We are on a big farm. There are some animals and green trees on the farm. Look! Some horses are running on the grass. Lots of fish are swimming in the river. Three cows are eating and four ducks are singing. They are so lovely. Little pigs are playingwith each other. They are good friends.答案:一、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A二、1. keep to the right—C2. talk quietly—D3. take turns—A4. keep your desk clean—B三、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B6. C 点拨:说某种语言只能用speak。四、1. Keep your desk clean. 2. I can show you the English book. 3. I am drawing a picture. 4. Can we use your crayons?五、1. A 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. C第 4 页

六、[来源:ZXXK]七、略。第 5 页