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Unit 5 First aidUnit 5 First aid

Unit 5 First aid教材背景链接DR ABC在紧急状况下,掌握急救知识和技能对挽救伤病者的生命非常重要。许多医院建议我们采用DR ABC这些字母来记住我们要做的事情。那它们分别代表什么呢?

Unit 5 First aidThe most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm.By staying calm we will be able to think what to do and make better decisions.

Unit 5 First aidhave to think fast.D stands for danger.We should first of all make sure that the accident scene is no longer dangerous.If we were to get hurt trying to save someone,we would not be able to help.R is for response.We can do a lot of good by simply asking.“Are you all right?”If the person can answer,we know that he or she is conscious and can breathe.The question will also calm the person,letting him or her know that help is on the way.

Unit 5 First aidA is for airway(呼吸道).We must make sure that a person’s airway is open and it is easy to breathe.This can be done by gently tipping the person’s head back slightly.B is for breathing.We should check that the person can breathe.Is his or her chest moving?If the person is not breathing,we must try to start his or her breathing at once,using the

Unit 5 First aidmouth to mouth method.If this is not done within five minutes,the person will die.If a person is breathing but not conscious,it is usually best for him or her not to be moved.C is for circulation.Is the person’s blood circulating?We can look for colour,coughing,and eye movement.We can also check a person’s pulse(脉搏)by putting a

Unit 5 First aidfinger on the person’s neck or wrist.If a person is bleeding, we should cover the wound with a clean piece of cloth and press on the wound to stop the bleeding.

Unit 5 First aidWe should never try to revive(使苏醒)a person unless we know how to do it.We may make things worse.When we have given first aid,we should put the person in the recovery(恢复)position.This is a way of placing a body so that the airway is clear and it is easy to breathe.

Unit 5 First aid新课导入自古以来,许多著名的科学家为推动中国乃至全世界的前进和发展做出了巨大的贡献。他们在追寻科学真理的道路上,不畏艰难,甘于奉献,呕心沥血,苦苦追求。他们这种献身科学,求是求准,刻苦钻研,淡泊名利的精神值得我们学习并发扬光大。

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