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高中英语(新人教版)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage知识点归纳***知识清单***一、重点单词1.former adj 以前的;(两者中)前者的《1》前者......后者......the former … the latter…★ 我赞成前一个观点而他支持后一个。I’m in favor of the former opinion while he is in support of thelatter one.2.preserve vt.保存;保护;维持;n.保护区《1》保护......免受......preserve… from/against doing sth《2》保存完好的 well-preserved★ 保护环境免受污染至关重要。It is highly important to preserve the environment from beingpolluted.☞ preservaton n.保护3.promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级《1》促进和平 promote peace《2》得到晋升 get promoted★由于缺乏专业知识,他没有得到提升。He failed to get promoted for lack of professional knowledge.☞ promotion n.提升,促销4.application 申请表;用途;运用;应用(程序)《1》求职信 A job application (letter)《2》申请信,求职信 A letter of application《3》向......提出申请→ apply to sb for sth→ make an application to sb for sth《4》致力于 apply oneself/one’s mind to doing sth★你只有专心学习,才会通过考试。You will pass the exam only if you really apply yourself to yourstudy.☞ apply v.运用,应用5.banace n.平衡;均匀 vt. 使平衡《1》保持平衡 keep balance《2》保持均衡的饮食 keep a balanced diet

《3》失去平衡: lose one’s balance / out of balance《5》使A和B平衡 keep a balance between A and B《6》总的来说 On balance6.proposal n.提议;建议《1》提出建议make/put forward a proposal《2》同意、接受提议 approve of/accept a proposal★ 他们都同意我的建议,我们分摊计程车费。They all agreed to my proposal that we should share in the taxifare☞ propose v. 建议,提议7.likely adj.可能的;adv.可能地《1》很可能做某事......be likely to do sth《2》很可能...... it’s likely that ...★ 如果专心学习,他很可能成功。He is likely to succeed if he concentrates on his study.8.contribute vi. 捐献;捐助☞ contribution n. 捐款;贡献;捐赠《1》为......做出贡献;向......捐款: → contribute ... to …→ make a contribution to …《2》促成;造成→ contribute to ...→ lead to ...→ result in ...9. attempt n/vt. 企图;试图;尝试《1》企图、试图做某事:→ attempt to do sth; → make attempt to do sth/at doing sth; → in an attempt to do sth《2》在某人第一次尝试时 at one’s first attempt10. worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得花时间的《1》值得做:→ be worth doing→ be worthwhile to do/doing→ be worthy to be done/of being done 《2》值得参观: → be worth visiting→ worthy to be visited→ worthy of being visited

11. entrance n.入口;进入《1》在......的入口 at the entrance to...《2》问题的答案 the answer to the question《3》问题的解决方法: the solution to the problem☞ enter v. 进入12.forgive vt/vi. (forgave forgiven)原谅;宽恕 vt. 对不起;请原谅《1》宽恕某人某事: forgive sb sth《2》因为......原谅某人 forgive sb for…《3》因为某事而惩罚某人: punish sb for sth13. quality n.质量;品质;素质;特征 adj.优质的;高质量的《1》空气质量: air quality《2》教育质量: the quality of education《3》质量好(上乘)be of high/good quality《4》质量次(差) be of low/poor quality《5》优质商品 goods of high quality☞ quantity n. 数量14.opinion n. 意见;想法;看法《1》在某人看来in one’s opinion/view《2》在作者看来in the author’s opinion《3》就......发表意见give/express one’s opinions on《4》对......评价好/不好/高/低have a good/bad/high/low opinion of…《5》你认为......怎么样?what’s your opinion of…?15.contrast n.对比;对照《1》与此相反;比较起来 in contrast《2》相比之下;与之相比 by contrast《3》与......形成对比;与......相比→ in contrast with/to→ By contrast with/to 二、重点词语1.take part in......参与(某事);参加(某活动)《1》参加体育和户外活动take part in sports and outdoor activities《2》参军/入团 join the army/the league

抗: lead to protest议《2》导致;引起......→ result in ...→ bring about ...→ contribute to ...4.turn to... 向......求助《1》向某人求助 turn to sb for help《2》
调高(音量等);出现:到来, turn up《3》
调低(音量等);u绝: t拒rn down《4》
打开(水、煤气、电灯 ):等turn on《5》关
掉(水、煤气、电灯 ):等turn of《6》
结果是,明证是; turn out...5.prevent … from… 阻止
阻止事人做某某prevent/stop/keep sb from doing sth《2》
被阻止某事做be kept/prevented/stopped from doing sth★ 什
么也不能阻止保我们卫我们的国家lNothing cou。d prevent us from defending our country.6.向......捐赠......(=contribute… to….)《1》Last year he donated $1000 to cancer research.《2》What we could do is to donate (donate) some money tothem.三
、重点 型1.there comes句a time when ...课本
原《1》句There comes a time when the old must give way to thenew.句式改写
《3》听报告 attend a lecture《4》在......中扮演(......)角色;对......起(......)作用 play a (...) partin ...2.give way to 让步;屈服《1》放弃吸烟 give up smoking《2》泄露;赠送,分发 give away《3》用完;耗尽;分发;散发 give out《4》发出,放出(光、热、气味等)give of3.lead to... 导致......;通向......《1》引发

这、那、它是个一......的时iThis//that/期t is/was a time when ...《3》
曾经有一段 间There was a时time when ...★ 曾经
有一段时间我同和班同学相处不很得好。There was a time when I was getting along badly with myclassmates.2.not only …but also…not only 置
原t《1》No句 only had the countries found a path..but they had alsolearn that…句式改写★ 他不
但学习刻苦,而且很聪明(用倒装句oNot only does he work hard, but als) he is very clever.3.suggest that … should do...课本
结束讲话她前之,科这位学家建议我们成立一个专家委员s......Before he entered her speech, the scienti会t suggested that weneed to establish a committee of experts …句式改写★ 她
建议我们在那家新开的吃馆餐午餐lShe suggested that we should have 。unch at the new resturant.4.It is said that ... 据
据说这是一明镜面分,可以o是非!It is said that it’s a mirr辨r that can tell right from wrong.句式改写《2》
据报e:It is report道d that《3》人们认为
:It is considered that《4》人们相信
:It is believed that《5》有人建议
:It is suggested thatUnit 2 Wildlife Protection***知识清单***一、词形
转换1.threat n.威胁→threaten vt.威胁
;n及2.hu危t v.打猎

人3.rate n.速度
率(比); vt.划分等级→rating n.
等级;级n4.exti别ct adj.已灭绝
的→extinction n.灭绝5.press vt.压
;s→pres按ure n.压
力;要求6.concern n.担
让;关心 vt.心……担忧;及涉→concerned adj.担
心的;关切e7.l的gal adj.法
律的;合e的→ill法gal adj.不
合法的;非e的→ill法gally adv.不
合法地;非a地8.法larm vt.使
怕害;使恐惊;使担 心n.警报;恐慌;警报i→alarm器ng adj.惊
人的;使人惊恐a→al的rmed adj.担
心的;害怕n9.inte的d vi.& vt.打算
;计划e想要→int;ntion n.打算
;目s10.exi的t vi.存在;
生t→exis存ence n.
短rate语 n.速度
;(比)率划v .t分等级;评价;评s①Mo估t people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres anhour.n.速度②The birth rate of that country is reducing.n.(比)率③China and India are rated as the most attractive marketsnow.v.评价,看作reserve n.(动
植物)保护区;预藏(储)vt.量订;预留;保①留These seats are reserved for the elderly and women withbabies.vt.预留②I'd like to reserve a table for three for eight o'clock.vt.预订③We set up a wildlife reserve to protect endangeredelephants.n.保护区 die out灭绝
;逐渐消失;渐熄灭逐[例1] With society developing,many old customs are dyingout.随着社
会的发展,许多古老的风俗在逐渐消失。[例2] With the living environment becoming worse andworse,many of the earth's species are dying out.随着生
→ hunter n.猎

拓展]die away 
逐渐减弱,渐逐模糊,逐渐消 die失down 逐渐降
低,逐渐平die of息 相
继死die of 去 死
于(内o)die fr因m 死
于(外因)die for 为
……而nalarmi死g adj.惊
人的;使人惊恐 [例1]的It is true that the earth's resources are running out atan alarming rate,so we should make good use of them.的
确,地球资源正以惊的人速度,尽耗所以我们应该好好利用它h。[例2] T们is idea seems to become less alarming.这
句]人口正以惊人的速度下降 The population is。dropping at an alarming rate.[知识
拓展](1)alarm vt. 
使惊恐;使害怕;使担心 n. 警报;a慌in 恐larm 惊恐
地(2)alarmed adj.惊恐
的;忧虑mbe alar的ed at/by...对
……大为m慌be alar惊ed to do...做
……感到 慌We恐were alarmed at the alarming scream as the scream didalarm us.我们
被那令人惊恐的尖叫声吓了一跳为因,那叫声的确使我们感到惊恐。aware of... 意识到......;知
道......We must make people aware of the problem and help theendangered wildlife before it's too late!
并及时帮助……濒危野生动![物例1] In conclusion,people around the world should be wellaware