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高中英语(新人教版)必修第一册Welcome Unit知识点归纳***重点单词***1.exchange n.交换,交流 vt.交易,兑换。(1)拿......交换...... exchange ...for ...(2)与某人交换某物 exchange sth with sb(3)做出交换 make an exchange (4)作为......的交换 in exchange for ... 2.lecture n.讲课,讲座 vi讲课/ vt教训、训斥3.registration n.登记;注册;挂号 register vt./vi. 登记,注册;注意到 vt.公开发布意见4.design n.复设计,设计方案 vt. 设计,筹划designer 设计者(1)为......设计、准备 be designed for (2)被设计做...... be designed to do (3)故意地 by design5.nation n.国家,民族 national adj. 国家的,民族的 nationality n. 国籍6.formal adj.正式的 informal adj. 非正式的7.anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的anxiety n. 焦虑;不安(1)为......忧虑、担心be anxious about/for (2)渴望做......急于做...... be anxious to do 8.annoy vt.使恼怒;打扰annoyed adj.生气的;(1)对......生气 be annoyed with...(2)被......烦扰 be annoyed at...

(3)对......感到不快 be annoyed by...9.frightened adj. 受到惊吓的;害怕的frighten v. 使惊吓;使惊恐frightening adj. 令人恐惧的 fright n. 惊吓(1)吓走、吓跑 frighten off/away (2)恐吓某人做某事 frighten sb into doing sth (3)吓得要死 be frightened to death (4)害怕地 in fright 10. senior adj.& n.级别高的 、年长的人-- junior 地位低下的 ,职位低的人、青少年(1)比、年长/幼;比......职位高/低be senior/junior to ...(2)比......年长/幼多少岁be senior/junior to sb by ... years 11.impress vt.使钦佩,给......留下深刻的好印象 vi. 留下印象;引人注目impression n. 印象;感想impressive adj. 令人难忘的(1)某事给某人留下深刻的印象impress sb with sth(2)对......印象深刻be impressed with/by/at ...(3)使某人铭记...... impress sth on sb==impress on sb sth(4)给某人留下深刻印象leave/make an impression on sb 12.experiment n. 实验,试验; v. 进行实验(1)用......做实验experiment with sth(2)利用某人某物做实验experiment on sb sth(3)做实验do/ perform/ conduct/ carry out an experiment13.explore vt/vi. 探索;勘探exploration n. 勘探explorer n. 勘探者

(1)勘探某物 explore for sth14.confident adj. 自信的;有把握的confidence n. 信心;信任(1)对......有信心 have confidence in...(2)对某事有把握 be confident of...(3)自信地 with confidence 15.newly adv. 最近、最新16.organise vt. 组织;筹备;安排; vi.组建;成立organizer n. 组织者organization n. 组织;团体;机构17.goal n. 目标;球门;射门(1)达成某人的目标 achieve one’s goal (2)设立目标 set a goal (3)进球得分 scored a goal 18. curious adj. 好奇的;求知欲强的(1)对......感到好奇 be curious about...(2)好奇做某事 be curious to do sth(3)满足某人的好奇心 meet one’s curiosity(4)出于好奇 out of curiosity(5)好奇地 with curiosity19.improve vt/vi. 改善,改进improvement n. 改善20.company n. 公司 vt. 陪伴21.concentrate vt./vi. 集中注意力concentration n. 集中注意力(1)把注意力集中在......concentrate/fis/focus( one’s attention) on...(2) 全身心地投入......put one’s heart into ...(3)专心于......致力于...... be devoted to (sth./doing)22.person n. 个人personal adj. 私人的,个人的personality n. 个性

边,不考a leave 虑side (2)忘记
带走;留下;超过eleav behind(3)动身
去rleave fo (4)遗漏
,去省;忽视;冷落ileave out7. fill n 填写8. find sb./sth +adj 发
现某人/某事k么样9.loo怎 forward to... 盼
顾,回忆c look ba起k on...(2)轻视
,瞧n起 look dow不 on...(3)仰慕
,尊敬tlook up o...(4)注意,
当 ,留意心look out for...10. at the same time 同
时11. come true 实
现12. come out 出
现,出版,开a结果13.t花ke notes 记
笔记,记录otake n tes of ...(2)注意;留意 take note of...(3)交换意见 compare notes14.make plans 做计划15.write down 写
是......17.be busy with sth /doing sth 忙
于做某事18.show sth to sb 给某人
23.style n. 风格,方式,作风come into style 流行起来,变得时髦 have no style 毫不突出,十分平常 in style 时髦的(地),合时尚(地);华丽的(地),有气派的(地) 很成功地 out of style 不时兴的,不时髦的 That's the style. [口语]应该如此,对头。 The style is the man. 文如其人。 life style生活方式,生活习惯;格调 new style 新历 style of work工作作风 ***重点短语***1.the registration office 登记处2.a school adviser 一位学校顾问3.during a break 在课间,在休息时4.at last 终于;最终last but not the least 最后但并不是最不重要的5.on campus 在校园里6.leave......alone 不打扰;不惊动(1) 搁置一

句型***1. What if......? 要是......会怎么样呢?(1)假
如你失败了,该i么办呢?What 怎f you fail?(2)我没
有带伞。要是下雨了该怎么办?I don’t have an umbrella, what if it rains?2. while doing ...... 状
语从句的省略形a。I t式ke notes while (I am) listening and reading.Unit 1 Teenage life***重点单词***1.volunteer n. 志愿
志愿v:work as a 者olunteer(2)做
志愿e作:do volunt工er work(3)做一
名志愿者绝不是容的易事. Being a volunteer is anything but an easy job.volunteer v.自
愿做; 义务做(1)自
愿t某事volunteer 做o do sth(2)自
愿为某事r劳volunteer fo效 sth——voluntary自
愿的、志愿a2.deb的te vi/vt辩论
关.....于.进行辩论adeb te on/over (2)
和......辩论wdebate ith sbdebate n.辩论
争论eunder d中bate(2)人
们对校车问安全纷题议论纷hThere has been much debate on t。e safety of school buses.3.prefer更喜欢(1)
更喜欢r事 prefe某 sth.(2)
更喜欢d某事 prefer to 做o/doing sth(4)
喜欢A多于B prefer A to B(5)比起做B更喜欢
做Aprefer doing A to doing B prefer to do A rather than B (6)比起
徒步旅行,许多男孩更喜欢踢球足。Many boys prefer playing football to hikingMany boys prefer to play football rather than hike.

内容和形式上tin conten and form(2)尽情
地;心满意足地 to ones heart contentcontent adj. 满足的;满意的;(1)满足的
表情na co tent expression(2)对......感到满足、满意 be content with/(3)
愿做某事 意be content to do sthcontent vt. 使满意使某人、自
己....对..满意 content sb with sth5.suitable adj. 合
合的 be suitable for sth/doing sth(2)
适e做某事 be suitabl合 to do sth(3)
些鞋这不适在合乡下散步bThese shoes are not suita。le for walking in the country..(4)
认我为我不适合这个岗 。I don’t think I should be位suitable for the post.6.challenge 挑战
挑战fthe change o doing sth(2)
面对挑战hface a c allenge(3)
迎接挑战hmeet a c allenge(4)
接受挑战paccept/take u a challenge(6)
我而言就,我下决定心接受挑战。As far as I’m concerned, I’m determined to take up/accept thechallenge.challenge v.t 向(某人)挑战向
某人挑战 事某challenge sb to do sth——challenging adj. 挑战
觉得......令人o惑find sth c困nfusing(2)对......来
说令人困惑g be confusin的 for sbconfuse——使
困惑confuse sb(2)把
和弄混confuse A with Bconfused——糊涂
4.content n.内容

困惑 confusion——困惑
;f淆in con混usion 困囧
地 8.graduate vi/vt 毕业
;获得学位, n 毕业生我们祝贺他从哈佛大
学毕业了gWe con。ratulated him on having graduated from HarvardUniversity. --graduation n.毕业那
是我毕业们一后的第份f作。It was my first job a工ter graduation.9.recommend vt. 建
议;推荐;绍介( 1)向
某人推荐、介绍d物 recommen某 sth to sb( 2)推荐
某人做(某职位)recommend sb for(3)推荐
某人作为...... recommend sb as(4)建
议 某事 recommend做doing sth(5)他
建议我读们一小读那部说sHe recommended that we 。hould read the novel.10.quit v. 停止
退h quit sc学ool(2)辞掉
工作 quit one’s job(3)离
职 quit office(4)戒烟
quit smoking(5)那
组长位经常在七晚上点左右就停止学习去散步gThe group leader often quits studyin。 to take a walk at aboutseven pm.11.responsible adj.负责
负责sbe respon ible for他仍然觉
得对病人的死亡负有责。任He still felt responsible for the patient’ s death.--- responsibility n. 责
做某事take the responsibility of/for doing sth(2)有做某事的
责 have任a/the responsibility to do sth12.schedule. n. 工作计划;
日程 排;安v. 安;排预定(1)按预定
时间 on schedule
be confused about... 对......感到

ahead of schedule(3)落
后于预定e间 behind th时 schedule(4)你已经
安排了考试H程吗?日ave you made the examination schedule.13.expert n.专家;行家 (1)在......方
面o行家 an expert 是n/at /in(2)西蒙
不仅是我们的校长,也是一名教育r家。Simon is not only our headmaste专, but also an expert ineducation.expert adj 熟练
的;内1的;专家的 (行)在......方
面i行be expert at /在n doing sth.(2)琳
达在寻找的用有学习信息方面e在行。Linda is expert in/at finding us很ful information about study.14.attract vt. 吸
引很大的兴趣oattract a l t of interest(2)吸
引某人的注意 a