Unit 9 The Year 2050 Lesson1 Life in 2050. 北师大版(三起)(1)六年级下册教案.doc
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Unit 9 The Year 2050Lesson1 Life in 2050.教学目标: 1.知识与技能: 1)能用一般将来时(含有will和be going to两种句式)谈论未来发生的事情。 2)理解so do 1./l do,too.Neither do I/l don't,either.表达同意或不同意。 3)理解故事大意。 2.情感态度与价值观: 1)通过学生植树、清理垃圾这一主题故事的学习,增强学生热爱自然、保护环境的意识。 2)通过畅谈2050年的未来生活,培养学生热爱生活的态度,激发学生探索未来的欲望。3)通过三八妇女节,培养学生尊敬父母,力所能及的为他们做些事情的意识。 教学重点、难点: 1、 理解故事内容。 2、理解so do 1./l do,too.Neither do I/l don't,either.表达同意或不同意。 教学过程: 一、热身运动 T:What day is it today? What day is tomorrow? What day was yesterday? 二、语言准备 1、让学生设想一下:The Woman’s Day will coming on March 8th. What are you going to

do ?(What will you do?) 2、当学生发表观点时,教师可用Do you agree?询问其他学生是否同意。教师可以引出I hope so/So do I ./Neither do I. 三、学习故事 1.T: Are the Bingo Kids taking about the past, present, or future? Let’s see, then you will tell me. 2、学习前半部分故事 1)出示P2 T: Where are they on the field trip? (Do you remember?) What are they doing? 2)播放P1-3 T: When are they picking up the trash? What are they doing? 3)出示P1-3让学生根据教师提示词,描述图片内容,加深理解。 3、学习后半部分故事 1)出示P4 T: The BINGO kids pick up the trash and plant the new trees. Now they feel tired. So they lie down and chat together.. What are they talking about? T: What do they think of the year 2050? T: Do you think life in the year 2050 will be different? 2)看书 P5-8 T: What different do they think in the year 2050?(让学生在书上画出来。) 根据学生的回答学习P5-8重点句。 T: Who can describe the year 2050?(引导学生根据教师的板书叙述) T: Do you agree with them? How do you think? 3)出示P9 T: How about Lisa? 四、读故事 1、让学生跟录音机读P4-9,进一步理解故事的主要内容。

2、进一步处理故事细节,让学生带着问题阅读故事,获取特定信息。如:Do they know why people leave trash in the forest? Do they will all live on other planets? Do they hope robots will do shopping for them? 3、听故事的陈述部分,然后学生自己读一读。 4、两人一组,复述故事。 五、家庭作业 要求学生尝试着将故事讲给自己的父母听,鼓励学生在生活中大胆使用英语。 板书设计: Life in 2050 clean plant Life in the year 2050 We live on planets Computers do everything Robots shopping dishes