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Hello! (出示课件)3. Revision.T: Look! I have a ruler!Ss: Me too!Step 2: Presentation1. Can you say?T: Boys and girls, we have 26 letters in English. What are they? Look at the screen, please.Show the 26 letters on the PPT. (出示课件)T: Can you read them?Ss: Yes! A, B, C, D…T: Great! OK! Follow me, please. A, A, A! Ss: A, A, A! …Teach the 26 letters one by one by using the letter cards. Let students clap their hands and read the letters. 2. Drive a train.T: Boys and girls, now let’s play a game. Point to a student and say, “Now the train is coming! A! Go go go!”S1: B!S2: C!…(游戏说明:可从任意字母开始,让学生以“开火车”的方式接龙,也可以“串糖葫芦”的方式,让学生说字母再任意指向其他学生。)3. Sharp eyes.Teaching purpose课前问候,歌曲热身,营造良好的英语学习氛围,使学生轻松愉快地进入角色。复习旧知,巩固所学知识。Teaching purpose通过课件呈现26个英文字母,并用字母卡片教授,让学生初步感知26个字母的读音及其形式。带领学生打拍子朗读26个字母,让学生在节奏中加强对26个字母的记忆。Teaching purpose用“开火车”的方式操练26个字母,让学生在紧张有趣的氛围中加深记忆,调动学生的学习积极性和学习热情。
Part A Let’s sing & Let’s find out▶教学内容与目标1.能够跟着录音说唱歌谣,初步感知26个字母的读音及其书写格式。2.能够按顺序说出26个字母。3.能够找出隐藏在图片中的字母。▶教学重点1.能够初步感知26个字母的读音及其形式。2.能够按顺序说出26个字母。▶教学难点能够按顺序说出26个字母。▶教学准备PPT、课文录音、视频、字母卡片等。▶教学过程Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in1. Greetings.Say hello to the class.T: Hello, I’m…S1: Hi, I’m…S2: Hi, I’m……2. Sing and dance—

(1)Let students look at the 26 letters on the PPT. Lead students to read them one by one.(2)Play the game.Show the letters on the PPT one by one slowly and then show quickly. (出示课件)T: Now, let’s play a game. Look at the letters on the screen. If you know, you can stand up and say them loudly. Ready?Ss: Go!…4. Let’s sing.(1)Play the song for the first time. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s sing板块的歌曲)T: Now, let’s listen to the song.(2)Play the song again. (出示课件)T: Listen again, and this time please sing along with the recording!(3)Play the song for the third time. (出示课件)T: This time, let’s clap our hands and sing together.Students clap their hands and sing with the teacher.(4)Ask students to sing in groups.T: Now practice the song in groups, please. We’ll make a competition among the four groups. Five minutes for you!Give the prize to the best group.Step 3: Practice1. I can fill. 2. I can match.Teaching purpose借助课件让学生进一步熟知26个字母的大小写形式,完成填空和配对练习,进而加强对26个字母顺序的记忆。Teaching purpose选取生活中的图片,引导学生寻找隐藏的字母,为后面的活动做铺垫,同时培养学生的观察能力。让学生自主创作一幅隐藏着字母的图画,既能加强学生对字母形的记忆,又有利于开拓其发散性思维。Teaching purpose“眼疾口快”的游戏教学可以调动学生多种感官的参与;活动面向全体学生,可参与性强,丰富课堂。Teaching purpose打着拍子学唱歌曲,并以小组PK的方式在班级展示,培养学生的合作竞争意识,调动学生的积极性,极大地鼓舞学生,增强其自信心。

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1. Look and find.Show some pictures of daily life on the PPT. (课件出示:日常生活中隐藏着字母的图片) Let students look at the pictures carefully.T: What letters can you find?Ss: …2. Let’s find out.(1)Show the picture of “Let’s find out” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s find out板块的图片)T: The letters are playing games with us. Look! (Point to the door.) What’s this?Ss: …T: Yes, it’s a door. And does it look like a letter?Ss: Yes!T: Which letter?Ss: “n”.T: Great! The letters are hiding in the picture. Can you find them? Please circlethe letters you find.(2)Check the answers on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s find out板块的答案)3. Let’s draw.Let students draw a picture with some hidden letters, then share it with theclass.▶板书设计Unit 1 Hello!Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz▶教学反思1.利用生动形象的图片辅助教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性。2.游戏形式多样,充满趣味性并且面向全体学生,较好地兼顾了不同层次的学生。