Unit 4 We love animals Part A(课件)人教PEP版英语三年级上册.pptx
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Unit 4 We love animals(A)

Oh, It's an UFO.

Hello, I'm Aki. Hi, I'm Ali Baba. Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you. Welcome to my farm. Let's me show you around my farm. Good idea!

What’s this? It’s a cat.

It’s a dog. What’s this?

What’s this? It’s a duck.

It’s a pig. What’s this?

What’s that? It’s a bear. Oh, it's a bear.Run!

They are so cute!Yes, we love animals. But it's time to go back.


Hello!I saw many animals on the earth.

: What's this?: It's a...

What’s this?It's a cat.

It's a What’s this?dog.

It's a What’s this?pig.

It's a What’s this?duck.

It's a . What’s this?bear

Let's make a puzzle!

Let’s talk

Read, write and match.找一找,写一写,连一连。① Aa Bb ___ Dd Ee Ff Gg __ Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Qq Rr Ss ___ Uu Vv Ww ② Mm Nn Oo ___ Qq Rr Ss Ff Gg Hh ___ Jj Kk Ll Dd Ee Ff ___ Hh Ii Jj⑤ Aa ___ Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Cc Dd ___ Ff Gg Hh Ii ___ Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Pp Qq ___ Ss Tt Uu VvCcAaTtcatPpIiGgpigBbEeAaRrbear

Draw and guess!A: What's this?B: It's a...

We love animals.We should protect animals.我们爱动物。我们要保护动物。
