【机构用复习预习讲义】五年级下册英语-Unit 6 Work quietly! 人教pep(含答案).docx
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Unit 6 Work quietly!一、选出正确的中文意思的序号。its______ show______ keep______ turn______ talk______ listen to______ quietly______ bamboo______ say______ teach______ 二、选择合适的句子,使对话完整通顺。A: Look at the pandas. B: ________________ A: They’re eating dinner. They’re so cute. B: Yes, __________ A: What’s the little monkey doing? B:________________ A: ____________ B:Yes! Look there! ________________三、根据图片内容,补全句子。1. Mike ________ ________ _________ ________ now. 2. ________ _________ , please. 3. _________ _________! 4. It’s 6 o’clock. Chen Jie is ___________ ___________ __________ . 问题定位A.听 B.竹子 C. 顺序 D.它的 E.教F.给人看 G.讲话,谈论 H.说 I.安静,小声地 J.保持

5. ________ _________ __________ _________ . There are too many people here. 四、句子补充翻译。 1. ---他正在做什么? ---他正在图书馆读书。 ---_______________________________________ ? ---He ________ _________ _________ _________ in the library. 2. ---那只小猴子在做什么? ---他在和妈妈玩耍。 ---________ the little monkey _________? ---________ _________ _________ its mother. 3. 安静工作! _______ ________ ! 4. 我可以给你看我的英语书。 I can ________ ________ my English books. 1.keep [ki:p] 【课本原句】Keep your desk clean. 【解析】keep的意思是“保持(某种状态)”。本单元涉及短语有: keep to the right___________ keep your desk clean_____________【翻译】靠左。 _____________________________________________________________ 2. turn [ tɜ:n] 【课本原句】Take turns. 【解析】turn表示“顺序”,take turns表示“按顺序来,轮流”。 turn还可以表示“转动,改变方向”,如turn left向左转,turn right向右转 【翻译】我们能用你的蜡笔吗?可以,轮流吧。 _____________________________________________________________1. listening to music 【课本原句】She’s listening to music in the classroom. 【解析】listen to music 表示“听音乐”,listening是listen的动词ing形式。 动词ing形式常用于现在进行时:be+动词ing,表示“正在做……” 【翻译】他正在吃晚餐。 _____________________________________________________________ 2.talk quietly 【课本原句】Talk quietly, please. 【解析】talk quietly 表示“小声讲话”,quietly表示“安静地,小声地”。 work quietly表示“安静学习/工作”。 【翻译】在图书馆里小声讲话。 _____________________________________________________________ 3. no eating 【课本原句】No eating. 重点单词重点短语

【解析】no表示“不,没有”,no+动词ing表示禁止做某事。 no eating___________ no talking___________ no parking__________ 【翻译】在教室里饮食禁止。 _____________________________________________________________1. ---What is he doing? ---He is reading a book in the library. ---他正在做什么? ---他正在图书馆读书。 【解析】(1) 本单元重点句型:What is/are+某人+doing? 表示问“某人正在做什么”。 “某人”为单数,用is;为复数,用are 【翻译】大象们正在做什么? _____________________________________________________________ 【解析】(2) 回答用:某人 is/are +动词ing,表示正在做。注意be动词和动词ing形式缺一不可。 句子顺序为:某人做某事+地点,地点放后面。 【翻译】猴子们正在动物园里睡觉。 _____________________________________________________________ 2. Work quietly! 安静工作! 【解析】这是一个表示行为规范的祈使句句子,通常以动词原形开头。 练习:试着在课本里找到类似的表示行为规范的句子。 _______________________________________________________________3. I can show you my English books. 我可以给你看我的英语书。 【解析】show表示“给人看,展示;指引”,show+某人+某物,表示给某人看某物 show me the way领路,带路 【翻译】你能给我带路吗? _____________________________________________________________ 一、选出正确的中文意思的序号。show______ its______ have a look______ quietly______ turn______ exercise______ Canadian______ keep______ anything______ sure______ 二、选择合适的句子,使对话完整通顺。(有两项多余)Lucy: 1. ________ Can I use your crayon?[来源:学科网ZXXK] Amy: Yes, keep your desk clean. Lucy: 2. ________ .Thanks. Tom: Wow! What a beautiful picture! Amy: 3. ________ Tom: Oh, I'm sorry. 4. ________ 重点句型趁热打铁A.看一看 B.任何事物 C.安静地 D.给人看 E.当然F.加拿大的 G.保持 H.它的 I.顺序 J.锻炼,运动

Amy: Yes, of course. Tom: 5. ________Amy: Yes, work quietly!三、根据图片内容,补全句子。 1. I like ________ _________ _________ in the morning. 2. _________ __________! Your father is sleeping. 3. _________ __________! 4. Chen Jie _________ __________ __________ ___________ 四、句子补充翻译。 1. ---学生们正在做什么? ---他们正在上英语课。 ---____________________________________________________? ---They _____________________________. 2. 早上六点的时候,他正在做早操。 He ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ at six o’clock. 3. ---还有其他事吗? ---保持你的课桌干净。 ---Anything else? ---___________ __________ __________ __________. 4. 你能给我看你的新书包吗? _________ you _________ __________ your new schoolbag? 一、下面单词画线部分发音相同的请打“√”,否则打“×”。 ( )1. who where ( ) 2. sheep teacher ( )3. lunch children ( ) 4. whether whose ( )5. show window ( ) 6. like night二、选一选,填一填。 It is Sunday today. We are at home. My mother is__________ the dishes in the kitchen. My fatheris ___________ the flowers in the garden. My grandpa is__________ TV in the living room. I 强化巩固A、eating washing happy studying watchingwatering

间活动一定非常精彩吧。请你写一写你的同学们正在干什么。 参考
词汇:run, play ping-pong, play basketball/football, read books… 要求
: 1. 语句通顺,不
少于5句话。 2. 可以展开合
理想象。Happy time________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________一、选出
每组中不属于同一类别的词。并将正确选项写在题前的括号内。 ( )1. A. my B. mine C. hers ( )2. A. whose B. who C. bamboo ( )3. A. drinking B. eats C. cleaning ( )4. A. monkey B. panda C. October ( )5. A. clean B. water C. have 二、单项选择( ) 1..They are_______ lunch. A. eating B. eating a C. eat 效果验证
am___________ in the study. What is my cat doing? She is _____________ a fish in the kitchen. Everyone is _____________. 三、阅读短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。 Today is Saturday. It's a nice day. Some students are in the nature park. Ann is drawing pictures. Lily is playing with Lucy. Please work quietly. Mike is listening to music. Zhang Peng and John are flying kites. Amy and Chen Jie are eating cakes. Oh, please keep the ground clean. Wu Yifan and Robin are speaking English. They're talking quietly. Some boys are playing the toys. Miss White tells them to take turns. They're having a good time. ( )1. Ann is drawing pictures. ( )2. Lily is playing with Mike. ( )3. Amy and Chen Jie should(应该) keep the ground clean. ( )4. Wu Yifan and Robin are talking quietly. ( )5. Some boys should take turns to play the toys.四、作文。 同学们,你们的课

空。1. ---Where____________ you father? ---He ___________ reading books. 2. My parents ___________ working now. 3. John___________ watching TV with his family. 4. ---Whose books __________ these? ---They ___________ Mike’s. 5. ---Where ___________ the baby panda? ---It____________ playing with its mother. 四、
连词成句 1. clock, I, show, can, you, the (. ) __________________________________________________________________ 2. here, can, put, schoolbag, my, I (?) __________________________________________________________________ 3. clean, please, your, room, keep (. ) __________________________________________________________________ 4. the, panda, doing, What, is, little, now (?) __________________________________________________________________ 5. we, Can, your, crayons, use (?) _________________________________________________________________ 五
、根据答句,提出问句。 1. ________________________________________________________? The little monkey is eating bananas. 2. ________________________________________________________? They are playing football. 3. ________________________________________________________? Yes, you can use my English book. am is are
( ) 2. They are _______ cute. A. so B. eating C. drinking ( ) 3. The pandas like _______ very much. A. bamboos B. bamboo C. eat bamboo ( )4. Look! The students _______class. A. is having B. are having C. having ( )5. His father ______ in the living room now. A. reading books B. is reading books C. read a book ( )6. What are the monkeys _______? A. do B. doing C. there ( )7. Can I ________ lunch here? A. eat B. eating C. is eating ( )8. It's playing with________ mother. A. its B. it C. it's ( ) 9. ---What ________ you _______ _? ---I'm cleaning my room. A. are; do B. are; doing C. do; doing ( )10. It's 9 o'clock. The students ________ an English class. A. have B. hav