三年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants单元测试卷3 冀教版有答案.doc
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Unit 4 Food and Restaurants阶段过关卷八(Lessons22~24)时间:30分钟 满分:100分基础达标测一、根据汉语意思写单词。(12分)1. 谢谢   2. 别客气   3. 请  二、读对话或句子,选图片。(20分)(  ) 1. —How much for one donut? —Five yuan. —I'll take eleven, please. (  ) 2. —How much is a hamburger? —Fifteen yuan. —I'll take three, please. (  ) 3. —How much are the pears? —Eleven yuan. —I'll take fourteen, please. (  ) 4. —How much is the ice cream? —Eight yuan. —I'll take two, please. (  ) 5. My friends like watermelons. 三、判断对话或句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(20分)(  ) 1. —How much for one

hot dog?—Seven yuan. (  )2. —How much is a hamburger? —Fifteen yuan.   (  )3. I'll take three watermelons. (  )4. My friends like noodles. (  )5. —Do you have any milk?  —Yes!四、情景交际。(24分)(  )1. 当你想问朋友“你有苹果吗?”时,你会说______ A. Do you have any apples?B. You have apples. (  )2. 当你想问服务员“一个面包圈多少钱?”时,你会说______A. How many donuts are there? B. How much for one donut? (  )3. 当你想告诉妈妈“我的朋友们喜欢汉堡包。 ”时,你会说______A. My friends like hamburgers. B. I like hot dogs. (  )4. 当饭店的服务员想问你“你想要点什么?”时,他会说______A. Would you like some rice? B. What would you like?(  )5. 当你想对服务员说“请给我拿两个。 ”时,你会说______A. I'll take two, please. B. I have two. (  )6. 当别人对你说“Thanks!”时,你要回答______A. You're welcome! B. Sure. 五、连词成句。(24分)1. donut is much How a2. you like Would fruit some

3. take I'll six 4. for dinner Time5. are apples the much How6. like I'd some chicken rice and

Unit 4 Food and Restaurants阶段过关卷八(Lessons22~24)一、1.二、1. B  2. D 3. E  4. C 5. A三、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T四、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. A五、