苏教牛津版英语五年级上册:unit8 A camping trip第二课时预习及课堂练习(无答案).doc
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一、下列人称中属于第三人称单数的有哪些?请你圈出来。my father we they David your teacher Mike’s parents you she Helen and Mike the dog二、用have或has 填空1. He ____________a tin-opener. 2. We ___________ a telescope. 3. They ___________ a big pot. 4. She ____________ a blanket. 5. You ___________ some fruit. 6. Tom and Jim ____________ a stove. 7. Tom ___________ a mask. 8. My parents _____________ a pot. 9. It _____________ short hair. 10. Our teacher _________ a horse. 三、听录音,连线 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、A. B. C. D. E.四、四人一组讨论,一人记录讨论结果并汇报。(用What do you have? Ihave…进行讨论,以I have…. ______has….的句型汇报。)Unit 8 Part B 预习作业班级_________ 姓名___________一、跟磁带读书P62四遍,并根据P62单词猜谜语。1. We can wash my face and hands with it2. We can cook food with it.3. We can keep warm(温暖) with it. 4. We can see the things far away(遥远) with it.5. We can open the tin with it.二、你为camping trip准备了什么?请你画一画。第 1 页