(闽教版)四年级英语上册《unit 1 lesson 1》教案设计.docx
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Unit 1 Our SchoolLesson 1Ⅰ 教学目的与要求:1、词汇:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth,ninth, tenth.及缩写形式.2、句型:Where is your classroom ? On the third floor.3、功能:运用所学句型描述学校各种教室所在的楼层。4、情感:教育学生要养成爱护校园环境以及公共场所的好习惯。Ⅱ 教学重点:1、学会掌握序数词1st-10th的拼写和读法。2、学会掌握句型:“Where is your classroom?”和“On the thirdfloor.”Ⅲ 教学难点:1、学会掌握序数词1st-10th的拼写和读法。2、运用所学句型描述学校各种教室所在的楼层。Ⅳ 教具准备:单词卡,录音带,录音机。Ⅴ 教学过程:Step 1 热身活动1、师生问好: T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. S: Nice to see you again, too.2、全班齐唱歌曲:Ten Little Indian Boys. Step 2 复习导入1、利用单词卡复习基础词:one to ten.2、导入序数词的教学。 让学生拼写出这些基础词,教师按顺序写在黑板上。然后告诉学生今天要学习另一种数词——序数词,随即把单词first, second, third, fourth, fifth,sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth写在对应的基数词的右边,让学生观察两者在音、形、义上的不同,从而教学这十个词。让学生找出从fourth到tenth的共同点,来帮助学生记忆。简要解释基数词和序数词的区别。不同形式操练10个序数词。游戏1:“看谁反应快”。教师出示基数词的单词卡,学生必须快速起立说出对应的序数词。师随即将序数词卡片随意贴在黑板上。游戏2:每组选一位选手上台把6个序数词按first, second, third,fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth的顺序排出,看哪一组用的时间最短哪一组就获胜。3、复习:music room, computer room, art room, school library,classroom, dining room.Step 3 教授新课1、出示课文挂图,并板书课题:Unit 1 our school Lesson 1 2、教学office教师可指着挂图说:This is our classroom building. This is our第 1 页

下一节课向同学介绍自己家所在的楼层。第 2 页
teacher’s offices. 教学office, offices, our teacher’s offices.在这里可重点操练单数office和复数offices在读音上的区别。3、复习巩固first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth并导入句型It’son the first floor. 的教学教师指着教学楼的挂图问:How many floors? Can you tell me? 引导学生数一数:one, two, …six. 进而回答:There are six floors. 解释floor在这里是楼层的意思。指着第一层说:This is our dining room. It’s on the first floor. 等。用此法复习first等6个序数词。并导入句型It’s on the first floor. 的教学。4、句型教学。教师说:Liu Dong will go to school soon. Chen Ling is showinghim around the school. 看看Chen Ling是怎么向Liu Dong介绍的。播放课文录音,要求学生合上书理解大意,并注意听今天所学的序数词。播放第二遍录音,并说出含有序数词的句子:On the first floor. Onthe second floor. On the third floor.播放第三遍录音,听音跟读。然后回答问题: Where is Chen Ling’sclassroom? Where is Liu Dong’s classroom? Where are the teachers’offices? 提醒学生在第几层用短语on the …(序数词)floor来表示。再听几遍录音,进行听音模仿朗读训练。Step 4 巩固与提高1、问与答。引导学生看课文第二页,教师问:Where is our dining room? 生回答:Our dining room is on the first floor. 直到把六幅图练习完。游戏3:记忆力游戏。要求学生合上书,看着教师的各种单词卡图片用句型:Our dining room is on the first floor. 说出所在的楼层。2、叫几个学得好的学生用句型Where is our music room? Our musicroom is on the third floor. 来询问各种教室所在不同楼层的问答练习。其他学生把所听到的情况填在课文第4页第4题的表格中,然后进行同桌间的问答练习。Step 5 课后作业1、听音跟读本课内