五年级下册英语教案Unit 3 My school calendar PB Read and write Let’s wrap it up∣人教版(PEP).doc
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Unit 3 My school calendar Part B Read and write Let’s wrap it upPage29-30教案教学目标1.语言技能(1)能够在图片帮助下获取有关“复活节派对”的信息。(2)能够读懂请柬内容,获取“复活节派对”的具体信息,包含举办聚会的时间、地点、派对活动以及注意事项,完成读后判断句子正误的活动。(3)能够根据所设定的情境,写出含有核心句型的三个句子。(4)能够独立归纳和总结语法小结中的“介词in, at, on”的用法,并正确填写题目。2.语言知识(1)能在具体的语境中理解和运用有关“介词in, at, on”用法。(2)能够知道英文请柬的格式与表达方式。3.情感态度、学习策略与文化意识(1)能够积极参与课堂学习活动,表达中不怕出错误,遇到困难大胆求助。(2)能够主动对新学的知识进行总结与归纳。(3)能够更加深入地了解西方复活节的文化知识。教学重点1.句型:We will play many games. We will roll Easter eggs. We will look for eggs. We will eat chocolate eggs. You will meet the Easter bunny! Will you come to the party? Please send me an email.What will you do if you have a birthday party?2.词汇:Easter bunny, roll, dance, make a wish教学难点1.根据所设定的情境,写出含有核心句型的三个句子。教学用具第 1 页

1.教师准备与本课时相关的课件与音视频。教学过程Step 1:warm-up1.Greeting.师生用英语互相问候。2.Review the key words and sentences learned in Unit 3. (复习第三单元学过的重点词汇与核心句型。)3.Let’s check.(完成课本P30的听力任务。)(1)Listen and circle.(2)Listen again and answer the questions. What will the students do in May? What will they do in December?Step 2:Presentation1.Lead-in.(师生自由交流)T:When is Easter? Ss:It’s usually in April.T:Great! Now please look at the picture. What can you see? Ss:A rabbit and some eggs.T:Yes, the rabbit is Easter bunny.(复活节兔子)And the eggs are Easter eggs. They are very nice. What can you do on Easter? Let’s read.2.Listen , read and find out some information.听音频,阅读请柬,找出举办“复活节派对”的时间、地点、活动以及注意事项。 T:OK! Now please tell me. When is the party? Ss:It’s on April 12th, 7 p.m. T:Where is the party? Ss:It’s in Wu Yifan’s home. T:What will they do?(提示学生有五件事。)There are five things they will do. What are they? Ss:Play many games, roll Easter eggs, look for eggs, eat chocolate eggs and meet the Easter bunny.第 2 页

T:What is RSVP?(引导学生认识“请赐复”。)Step 3:Practice1.Read and tick or cross.学生再次阅读课文,完成读后的判断活动,正确的打钩,错误的打叉。2.Ask and answer.教师引导学生进行问答活动,活动主题为“生日派对上,你将会做什么事?”首先由教师示范演示自己将会在“生日派对”做的事,然后由个别能力较强的学生示范给全班同学看,最后以两位同学为单位进行问答活动。T:On my birthday party, I will sing a birthday song. I will play many games. I will eat a birthday cake. What will you do if you have a birthday party?Ss:…3.Let’s wrap it up.(语法小结,先由学生看图片与观察词汇in, on, at,归纳介词的用法。)4.Make a summary.(课堂小结。)T: What did we learn this class?教师和学生一起总结本课时的教学重点,先由学生谈谈自己学了什么,教师再进行总结。Step4:Homework1.复习Unit3的重点内容,上交一份书面总结。2.完成本课时配套的练习题。第 3 页