四年级上册英语教案Unit 3 My friends C Story time 人教PEP.doc
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Unit3 Part C Story time教学设计教 材:人教PEP小学英语四年级上册P31单元主题:My friends课 型:故事课一、教材解析本节课是第三单元第六课时的一节故事课,围绕话题Friends展开。学习的是学生耳熟能详的趣味故事“拔萝卜”。内容较简单、易把握,但有些单词、句子的意思需要学生通过图画、上下文进行理解。教师为学生提供精心制作的图片、实物等,为学生提供了比课本更生动、更真实、更丰富的资源,更容易引起学生的兴趣,使学生可以在生动活泼的氛围中进行创新思维,更主要的是通过这则小故事,使其明白友谊的珍贵和“团结就是力量”的道理。二、教学目标1. 知识目标:能听懂、会说、会用故事中出现的语句。2. 能力目标:能够正确理解故事内容,能够表演故事内容。3. 情感目标:激发学生的学习兴趣,使其明白友谊的珍贵和团结合作的重要性。三、教学重点1. 正确理解、认读句子:I can’t pull it up. We’re coming. Let’s work together. Hooray!2. 能积极、主动且准确地读出、表演故事。四、教学难点1. pull it up的连读和together的读音。2. 能借助图片续编故事。五、教学过程:Step1: Warm-up(2mins)1. Daily oral greetings: Good morning! I’m your new teacher today. My name’s Yuky. Nice to meet you.2. Sing and dance together: Friends.Step 2: Lead-in(2mins)1. Guess: Who is our new friend? T: Just now, we talked about our friends. And today, let’s meet a new friend. But who 第 2 页

is our new friend? Now look at the shadow and guess. Who is he?Ss: Rabbit.2. Explain the competition rules.Try to get more turnips in the basket.【设计意图】故事前通过师生相互问候及歌曲演唱活动,创造了轻松、愉快的学习氛围,同时导入“朋友”的话题,激活相关的知识,为之后教学进行铺垫。Step 3: Presentation(20mins)1. Teach the sentences of Picture 1 and Picture 2.① Teach the word “pull”:T: Look! This is our new friend. Let’s listen what he is saying. Rabbit: Hi! My name’s Grey. Nice to meet you. Oh, I’m hungry. Let’s go and pull up the turnips, OK?T: Let’s share the story about Little Grey. He likes eating turnips very much. So he plants many turnips in the garden.Teach the word: turnip.PPT shows a picture of a big turnip. Lead Ss to say “Wow, it’s so big!”T: Let’s pull.→ pull【设计意图】聆听生动有趣的故事是深受小学生喜爱的学习活动,为使内容更丰富,拓展了教材内容,增加了故事语言背景,增加了学生的语言输入量。② Teach the sentence “Oh, it’s too big. I can’t pull it up.”Enjoy the picture, let Ss guess the meaning.T: Oh, it’s so big. Let’s pull it up, OK?And teach “pull it up”. Show a picture to compare the two sentences: I can pull it up. VS I can’t pull it up.T: I’m Rabbit. I pull, pull and pull. T acts like the rabbit to pull up the big turnip, guide Ss to practice the sentences with gestures: Oh, it’s too big. I can’t pull it up.【设计意图】因为儿童具有边学边玩(Learning by doing)的天性,“故事教学”可以给孩子提供许多这种机会,让孩子在愉快地“做”中,不知不觉地学会新知识。老师用夸张的动作将“pull”, “I can’t pull it up.”等展现给学生,通过使用全身第 3 页

感知故事,激发了学生学习的积极性。3. Teach Picture 5 and Picture 6.1) Present the sentences “Let’s work together.” and “Hooray!”.① T: Listen, who is coming now?Ss: Zoom.T: Yes. Zoom came to help the rabbit, too. He said, “I’m strong. Let’s work together.”→Let’s work together.Ask Ss to read like Zoom with feelings: “I’m strong. Let’s work together.”②T: With Zoom’s help, they pull it up at last. They’re very happy, so they shout 第 4 页
反应法,调动学生一起动,即一起“做”,让孩子们在欢声笑语中记住了新知。2. Teach Picture 3 and Picture 4.Before reading, finish the tasks and learn the sentence “We’re coming.”T: Now it’s story time. Let’s watch the cartoon, but here are some tasks for you.Task one: Listen and answer.① Can the rabbit pull it up first?② Can the rabbit pull it up at last?After listening, Ss try to answer the two questions.Task two: Choose and answer.① Who is coming? A. Mom and dad B. FriendsSs try to choose and answer by memories.② Who are they?T: Yes, Monkey, Dog, Cat and Zip came to help Grey. They said, “We’re coming.”→We’re coming. Practice the sentence group by group with gestures.Task three: Teach and act: “One, two, three, pull!”T: I’m Rabbit. You are my friends. Let’s pull it up! One, two, three, pull! Oh, we can’t pull it up.【设计意图】故事中让学生带着问题欣赏故事,可以使他们的注意力高度集中,听的

知识。2) Listen and number.Listen again, Ss try to put the pictures into the correct order.3) Watch and follow.T: Wow, you are so great. Now let’s watch the cartoon.① Read after the story;② Ss read together with the cartoon;③ Ss read in different roles. (rabbit, friends, Zoom)【设计意图】形式
气等朗读技巧。)Step4: Consolidation(8mins)Level One: Can you chant? Let’s chant.Pull it up, pull it up.Hey-yo, hey-yo, pull it up. Hey-yo, hey-yo, pull it up. One, two, three, pull it up. Come on, come on, work together. Come on, come on, work together.Hooray!【设计意图】将难
化繁为简,化难为易。Level Two: Role-play.第 5 页
“Hooray!”.→Hooray! Practice in various ways.【设计意图】由

,并进行针对性帮助。) Step 5: Extension(6mins)1. Let’s imagine.T: Rabbit has the big turnip now. What will he do next?Ss make the continuation of the story.T: How can the rabbit take it home?S1: Come on, friends, please help me.S2: Let me help you.S3: I’m strong. Let’s work together …T: In order to thank his friends, Rabbit invite them home, he makes a big turnips pizza. What will Rabbit say?S1: Help yourself.S2: Let’s eat together …2. Sum-up the whole class.① Do you like this story? ② What have you learnt from this story? Use one sentence in the story to describe the main idea.→Let’s work together.3. See how many turnips Ss got and praise them.【设计意图】续编故事是学生喜
染学生,友谊的珍贵和团结合作的意义呼之欲出。Step 6: Homework(2mins)第 6 页
① Enjoy the best group’s show together, lead Ss to learn from it and act beyond it.② Show timeSix students in a group to act out the story within 3 minutes. One is the turnip, one is the rabbit, one is Zoom, the others are friends. Demand Ss act fluently, politely and creatively.【设计意图】设

1. Perform this story with your friends to your parents.2. Learn to help others in your daily life.3. Work together and make a storybook with pictures (optional work).第 7 页