四年级上册英语导学案Unit 5 Dinner is ready PartB∣人教版(PEP)().doc
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Unit5 Dinner’s ready B read and write 课型:新授   讲学时间:1课时【学习目标】1.能听、说、认读Read and tick部分的句子。2.能够读懂John和Mom的小短文,完成选择题,能用英语描述自己想吃什么的意愿。3.能够按要求完成Look, choose and write部分的练习,能够进行有意义的抄写,并进行问答,补充答语。重点 能够借助图片读懂组句,完成理解配图。难点 学生能够正确区分不同句式表述的不同意思。【新知预习】1.学过的食物和餐具,你还记得哪些,自己说一说。食物:beef chicken noodles soup vegetable fish rice餐具:bowl knife fork spoon chopsticks 2.想一想,询问别人想吃什么的句子,它们有什么区别?What would you like for dinner? Would you like some noodles?【课堂探究】1.看图,回答问题:What would John like for dinner?学生看图找答案,核对答案。2.Can John have a knife , a fork and chopsticks? 对Can I have...,please.Try...for...的句子,予以点拨,让孩子明白含义。3.Let’s say看图、读图中了解写的文本材料。In my soup,I’d like some _____,_____and some ______.4.Look, choose and write完成写的任务。5.Check the answers示范单词在句子中的书写。【针对练习】一、根据情景选择合适的句子填空。( )1.晚餐想吃什么,应该怎么说?第 1 页

( )2.问别人,你也想吃些面条吗,应该怎么说?( )3.问别人,自己可以用叉子吗,应该怎么说?( )4.我想吃些牛肉,应该怎么说?A.What would you like for dinner?B.Can I use a fork,please?[来源:]C.I’d like some beef,please.D.Would you like some noodles,too?二、根据提示,选择最佳答案。[来源:ZXXK]1.-What would you like for dinner,John?-_________________ A. I’d like some beef,please B. I have some beef,please.2.-Would you like some noodles,too?-___________________A. Yes,I am. B. Yes,thank you.3.-Can I have a knife and fork,please?-___________________ A. Yes, John,but try chopsticks for noodles. B. You’re welcome.三、根据上下文联系,排列下面句子。( )Would you like some noodles,too?( )What would you like for dinner,John?( )Yes,thank you.( )I’d like some beef,please.( )Can I have a knife and fork,please?[来源:]( )Yes,John,but try chopsticks for noodles.参考答案一、1.A 2. D 3. B 4.C二、1.A 2. B 3. A 三、3 1 4 2 5 6第 2 页

【课后反思】学后反思 你得到了几个笑脸?[来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K]_________________________________________________________________[来源:]第 3 页