六年级下册英语教案Unit4 Then and now PA Let’s talk∣人教版(PEP).doc
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Unit4 Then and nowPart A Let’s talk (Page 34)教案教学目标1.语言技能:(1)能够听懂、会说、认读词组或单词:guest, changed, hill, star, Americans, look up, on the Internet, one day, in my time.(2)能够读懂题目要求,根据题目要求对将要听的内容进行预测,并运用听力技巧,捕捉重点信息,完成听力任务,判断两道题目的内容是否正确。(3)能够运用“There be”结构的过去式句型“There was no library in my oldschool. / There was only one small building on a hill. / There were nocomputers or Internet in my time. ”来描述以前的事物状态。(4)能够运用日常交际用语“Tell us about your school, please. / Could yousee stars at night?/ The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. /I looked it up on the Internet. ”,并在现实生活中正确应用。(5)能够正确理解对话大意并能正确朗读所学对话。2.语言知识:(1)能在具体的语境中进一步理解“There be”结构过去式句型的表意功能。(2)学会有关“There be”结构的过去式句型, 并能在现实生活中运用。3.情感态度、学习策略与文化意识:(1)能够积极参与各项课堂活动。(2)在课堂交流中,能够做到注意倾听,积极思考。(3)能够了解人类首次登月的一些信息。教学重点1.句型:There was no library in my old school. There was only one small building on a hill. There were no computers or Internet in my time. 第 1 页

2.词汇:guest, changed, hill, star, Americans, look up, on the Internet, one day, in my time.3.“There be”结构的过去式句型在现实生活中的具体应用。教学难点1.本文涉及的新词汇较多,知识面较宽广,需要在课堂教学活动中潜移默化地渗透。2.“There be”结构的过去式句型在现实生活中的具体应用。教学用具1.教师准备与本课时相关的课件与音视频。教学过程Step 1:warm-up1.Greeting.师生用英语互相问候。2.Sing a song “Little star”.(唱熟悉的歌谣“小星星”,有两个目的,一个是活跃课堂气氛,另一个目的是引出词汇star与句型We can see stars at night.提前学习,减少学习压力。)3.Let’s try. 教师引导学生完成Let’s try 部分的练习。(1)Look and listen. 学生先看课文中的文字提示语与两个句子的内容,带着问题听录音,抓住关键信息,正确判断题目。(2)Check the answer. 教师引导学生核对答案。Step 2:Presentation1.Lead-in(1)Talk about “Let’s try”.(谈论Let’s try部分的内容,引出爷爷来参观Wu Yifan的学校,进而提出问题:What was Grandpa’s school like?) There were no computers at all before.(以前没有电脑。)【设计意图】循序渐进地学习课文,学生易于接受,自然而不突兀。(2)Read and answer.学生阅读课文,在课文中找出“描述爷爷以前学校”的内容。 There was no library in my old school. There was only a small building on a hill. There were no computers or Internet in my time.第 2 页

它 There were no + 复
数名词 + 其它(2)过去“有什么东西”: There was a +单数名词 + 其
它 There were + 复
数名词 + 其它4.Listen and repeat.(学生将课本
那么读一遍即可,若是不熟悉,可以加多次数。)Step 3:Practice1. Look and talk.(学生对
比两句话,用There be句型描述两幅图画的内容,为下
一个活动做好准备。) There is a … There are … There was a … There were … 2.Draw and talk.(学生
画画,与谈论图画内容。)(1)What was your school like five years ago? There was ...... There were......(2)What’s your school like now? There is a ...... There are......3.Make a summary.T: What did we learn this class?教师
和学生一起总结本课时的教学重点,先由学生谈谈自己学了什么,教师再进行总结。Step4:Homework1.听录音,熟读课本 P34 Let’s talk 内容。2.预习P35内容。3.完成本课时
配套的练习题。第 3 页
2.Watch, repeat and then analyze the text.(第一遍,学生看视频,跟读,了解课文的整体内容;第二遍,学生一边跟读,教师引导学生课文内容。)3.Make a summary.教师引导学生作一个小结。(1)过去“没有什么东西”:There was no + 单数名词 + 其